Lomonosov Mihailo Vasilovich was born in 1711 in the village of Denisivka, in the Sim’ya state peasant village of Pomor. Хлопчик ріс в суворих умовв, early почав допомагати батькові. Mati died, if Lomonosov boo 9 rock. Vіn early nаvchivsya literacy: the first yogo books were the grammar of Smotrytsky and the arithmetic of Magnitsky. In the course of the Lomonosov’s zealous conscience, he assured himself of the fact that he had to pay attention and study in science.
The predilection for science and books of Lomonosov’s zemusilov vtekti z house. In 1730, the Russian army met up to Moscow at once with a caravan in the form of a ribbon. In 1711 rotsi pishov vchitysya in Moskovsku word’jano-Greko-latinska academiiu, having tried 5 rockiv. In 1736, the company has three registered enterprises, including Lomonosov, has sent to Nijmecin a vivchati fiziku, phylosophy and chemistry. There vyn lived close to 5 rock, otrimivi velikі piznannya in bagaloh galuzyah science.
In 1741 rotsi Lomonosov prihevav back to Rosii, de yogo recognized ad’yunktom hіmії. In 1745 Lomonosov became the first Russian professor. One-hour of the lessons was borrowed in various doses in the galusies of physics, chemistry, mathematics, and technical sciences. Він поклав початок науці про скло, будовою матерії, giving визначення фізичної хімії. Kreim exact sciences, Lomonosov borrowed takozh phylogeny. In 1755 rotsi writing “Rossiysku gramatiku”, yakіy vikladalsya norms of the Russian literary movement. Інші філологічні праці вченого – “Про корсти books церковних в російській мові”, “The leaf about the rules of the Russian Virschuvannya”, “Korotke kerіvnitsvto to the Red Army”. Lomonosov vvazhaetsya takozh one z vidatnyh rosіyskih poetiv-prosvititeliv. Їm boule written kіlka філософіких odі і і покладено початок сіллаботоніческому вішшування.
Lomonosov said that he wrote a book on the book of ancient times, zbobiv zauvazhennya on the book Millionaire “Sibirskaia istoriya”, creating its own historical concept, yak spilled over into the Norman Theory.
In 1763, after writing the praces of “Pershi pidstavi metalurgii, abo rudnikh sprav”, de boules discerned the power of the metals, їх класифікація, закладені основи хімічної мови. Writing pіdrunkniki з хімії та металургії. In 1755, Lomonosov joined the project of the Moscow University, piling up the program.
Mikhailo Vasilovich Lomonosov is a member of a number of academic academies. Yogi honored the Moscow University, Misto Lomonosov, Gold Medal for the Dossier in the region of Chemia. Lomonosov died in 1765 rotsі and іnіvony in the Necropolis of St. Petersburg.