1. What is the peculiarity of the spread of life in the ocean?
Life in the World Ocean is widespread, but species composition and density of plants and animals in the ocean are extremely diverse and uneven. Living organisms adapt to life under certain conditions, formed by a combination of different properties of water masses.
2. What determines the distribution of organisms in the surface layer of water?
The distribution of organisms in the surface layer depends on the presence of oxygen in the water, the abundance of nutrients, salinity, temperature and water density. In the cooler waters of temperate and circumpolar latitudes, more oxygen is present, plankton is well developed, and fish that feed on plankton live. In the equatorial and tropical zones, the mixing of water masses is slow, the level of oxygen dissolved in water decreases, and the number of living organisms also decreases. A major influence on life in the ocean is the chemical pollution of water.
3. What parts of the ocean are particularly rich in life? Explain why.
The greatest number of plants and animals is concentrated in the surface layers of water, where there is enough light. With depth, the number of living organisms decreases. Some organisms live mainly on the ocean floor.
4. Why does life in the ocean require protection?
On how effective the struggle for the purity of the waters of the World Ocean will be, depends on the preservation in it of all kinds of living organisms. The disappearance of many animals, whose life is connected with the ocean, has become an irreversible process. The number of these animals can not be restored, and people will never see them again in nature. Some of the extinct species can be observed in various zoos in the world.
The task of mankind is not only to preserve the existing organic world of the ocean, but also to promote the reproduction and dispersal of rare organisms along its territory. For this purpose, protected areas are created, the areas of passage of transport vessels are restricted, and severely punished for the pollution of water by oil and petroleum products of the industrial enterprise. In the end, it depends on us in what condition we will transfer the World Ocean to future generations – our children and grandchildren.