Letter to the class teacher

A thank-you note is a written expression of gratitude, usually addressed to a specific person. This document is issued on the letterhead of the organization or on a special printed form, which is sold in large quantities in kiosks with printing products.

Often a letter of thanks is written to the teachers. Grateful parents of students express their gratitude to the teacher of their children, for example, in connection with the end of the school year, primary school, secondary school.

Not only parents, but also the students themselves can express their gratitude, referring to their teacher, class teacher. In this case, you should purchase a typographical color form, in which it is enough to make a text with pleasant words for the addressee (teacher).

A letter of thanks to the teacher or the class teacher can be written only by the parent committee, but also by the administration of the school through its director, gratitude can be expressed for any achievements, participation in events of a different nature, a significant event in the life of the teacher and school.

Below we offer samples of texts of a letter of thanks for the teacher and class teacher from the parents, as well as from the school administration.

Examples of letters of gratitude letters:

Video – ideas of writing a letter of thanks (with examples)

Templates of texts with gratitude to the teacher

1. The text of the letter of thanks to the teacher of primary classes from the parents of the pupils.

Dear Anna Gennadievna!

We, the parents of the pupils of the 4 “A” class, wholeheartedly thank you for the attention, care and sensitivity shown in relation to our children. Throughout 4 years you accompanied our children, helping them to overcome difficulties and failures in study, empathizing and supporting them in difficult moments. Together with the students, you were happy with their successes and supported in difficult situations.

Your professionalism and sensitivity helped our children to believe in themselves, discover new abilities and talents, to reveal themselves every day as a flower. Thank you for your patience, attention and concern for the students! Thank you for preparing our children for 4 years, investing your soul in them, building full-fledged individuals from them, directing them to the true path of perfection!

We wish you new professional achievements, to reach new pedagogical heights with your students!

Parents of pupils of 4 “A” class

2. The text of the letter of thanks to the class teacher from the parents of the graduates

Dear Tatyana Evgenievna!

We are sincerely grateful to you for the upbringing and education of our children – pupils of the 11th grade of school №131 of the city of Omsk. Your professional classroom management has allowed our children to reach tremendous heights in the field of knowledge in all subjects and prepared them for a new life outside the school. Children with interest went to school every day, enthusiastically attended extra-curricular activities, with glitter in their eyes solved the complex and non-standard tasks set before them. Thanks to your active participation in the life of each of your pupils, with each day they unfolded more fully, becoming full-fledged individuals. In the classroom there was always an atmosphere of mutual support and mutual assistance, respect for each other.

We express our sincere gratitude to you for investing our soul and time in the upbringing of our children! With all our heart we wish you further creative successes and victories in your hard teaching business!

Parents of 11 A class pupils

3. The text of the letter of thanks to the teacher from the school administration

Dear Nina Ivanovna!

You are a wonderful teacher who has all the necessary professional and spiritual qualities for the education and training of students. We thank you for your active participation in the life of the school, for your great contribution to its development. Thank you for taking all the initiatives with your soul, participating in the development of new teaching methods, organizing events of a different nature.

Thanks to teachers like you, our school is becoming more professional and popular in the public eye. From the school administration №111 we wish you creative success, good luck in all endeavors, grateful pupils and parents!

School Administration №111



