Is the image of Oblomov tragic?
Oblomov is a novel about the tragic fate of the Russian landowner. The main question the author poses in his novel is the question of what ruined Oblomov’s fate. What dashed this crystal-clear, clear, like a child’s soul, a loving heart, a mind full of lofty thoughts and not alien to the “universal human passions”? Why did neither friendship, nor the greatest love, conquer apathy? Finally, what played the final role in the spiritual extinction of Ilya Ilyich: the conditions of upbringing or all the reality surrounding him in adulthood?
The most obvious; The reader finds the explanation of the character and everyday behavior of Oblomov in the chapter “The Sleep of Oblomov.” Here the author describes the childhood of Ilya Ilyich. It is impossible not to feel compassion for the living mobile child, whose natural impulses are suppressed. He wants to run to the ravine, explore the surrounding area – in response, he is scared of ghosts and all
The history of love for Olga is extremely dramatic, if only because feeling is obviously doomed to failure. These two people were able to understand and support each other, they had the same ideals, the same spiritual needs. They were incompatible only in that they pursued different goals in life.
Relations between Oblomov and Olga are pure and sincere, they cause astonishment and admiration. Both of them are spiritual and very clean people. Both seek to forgive and all-embracing love, and as a consequence – to create a family. But on the way to this there is an insurmountable obstacle – Oblomov’s apathy. No matter how funny and lighthearted these words are, this is exactly the case. Apathy of Ilya Ilyich is not an easy form of indifference to life, but rather a serious illness, when life itself is a burden. Striving for such a high goal, as happiness in love, always requires the expenditure of physical and spiritual forces. Oblomov strongly breaks himself in connection with a feeling for Olga, he commits acts, incredible for him. This is an invaluable sacrifice on his part (it is unlikely that Olga feels this). The trouble with Oblomov is that he can not fight his illness, whose name is Oblomovism. The family estate draws to itself with great strength, and the hero again returns to Oblomovka. Only now its embodiment was the house of Pshenitsyna. It is not worth blaming Ilya Ilyich for this moral fall. Perhaps, not the least role played unspiritual and soulless social reality, which so outraged Oblomov after returning from Stolz from the next hospitable house.
To some extent, Oblomov’s fate is a protest against the existing reality. Yes, for him it was the only way to fight. Not in the nature of Ilya Ilyich active struggle. On his account, only a few strong-willed and courageous actions: a slap in the face of Tarantyev, calmly told Stolz “wife” in response to the question of who he belongs to Pshenitsyn. These actions do not contradict the nature of his character, but, by the same nature, can not be repeated too often.
The nature of Oblomov is ideal in the literary sense, that is, it is natural, there is not a single false or inaccurate detail in its description. The hero does only those acts that are peculiar to him, flow from his worldview. His spiritual and then physical death are quite natural consequences of his way of life, behavior, character. Oblomov himself, with tremendous clarity, realizes in which whirlpool he is dragging out faster and faster. And with the same clarity of mind he claims that there is no way back. Even if Olga could not save him, pull out Oblomovism from the captivity, it will not be possible for anyone.