In order to harm nature as little as possible, certain rules of behavior should be followed:
- Walk more often or ride a bicycle instead of driving a car. This is useful for both humans and the environment, because cars pollute the air. Keep heat, save electricity, hot water, close the door, warm the windows, turn off the extra light bulbs. Then the power plants will work less and will not so pollute our Earth. To fight insects, do not use pesticides, and make your yard attractive for birds: they eat hundreds of insects every day. Make sure that the water in your house does not flow in vain, because somewhere on the planet it is lacking people right now. Before buying a thing, to think whether it really is so necessary for you, whether it is qualitative. In this case, it will serve for a long time and you will not have to buy a new one in a week. If there is an opportunity to hand over something from the garbage for recycling, do it: then the amount of garbage on the planet will decrease. Giving away unnecessary things to people who need them.
How less damage to nature?