Gourmets and sweethearts, with excitement absorbing rare dishes and very popular sweets, hardly know how some of the culinary recipes were born. However, their origin is sometimes quite interesting. Let’s make an excursus into history.
It is said that in 1912, when the centenary of the Battle of Borodino was solemnly celebrated, a grandiose banquet was held in Moscow. One of the chefs hospitable capital, famous for such techniques with his delicate art, decided to make a surprise to Muscovites. He planned to make an extraordinary cake.
The cook took three glasses of flour, three eggs, half a teaspoon of citric acid, three quarters of a glass of water and three hundred grams of butter. All this is a good mix, he rolled out two cakes and put them in the oven. Ten minutes or fifteen minutes later the cook pulled out two baked fragile leaves from the oven. In the meantime, I had to prepare a cream. The cook took two hundred grams of oil and, warming up, began kneading it with a wooden spoon. Finally the oil became like a thick sour cream. Then the confectioner began to whip it, while adding cream. When this composition was added exactly ten tablespoons of cream, it turned out a very tasty cream. They were smeared with one cake, and another covered with cake. The top cooker cake covered with a thin layer of the same cream and, finally, sprinkled it with layered crumbs.
But the most important thing was ahead: now the cake was given the shape of a triangular hat, which Napoleon wore. This time, his cocked hat not only did not frighten the eyewitnesses of the “miracle”, but caused general enthusiasm. The surprise was a big success for the Russians, and the name of the ambitious emperor has since been mentioned not only in the military, but also in culinary reference books.
After the invasion of Napoleon passed almost two hundred years, and cakes, bearing the name of the emperor, remain the favorite delicacy of Russians. In any pastry shop you will see Napoleon among other cakes.
How culinary recipes are born