How can you finish the composition

As you know, any composition structurally consists of three main blocks: entry, main body and conclusion. In the introduction, the theme of the work is indicated, and other points that are important for understanding the written are voiced. In the main part, the previously stated thoughts develop, are proved, supported by arguments, etc. Well, in conclusion it is necessary to sum up all the written summary. Without it, the composition will be incomplete, like a speech torn in half, and when giving such a job, it is unlikely that a student can expect a good evaluation. Meanwhile, for many students the main problems arise precisely at this stage of work on writing. However, it is possible to correctly write a conclusion, it is enough to learn a few simple rules.

Break and reread

First of all, do not rush and proceed to the final lines immediately after the main text is created. Nothing good will come of it, because in the head at this moment a real vinaigrette will ripen, from which it will simply not be possible to find anything worthwhile. Therefore, for starters, it will be necessary to reread what was written in order to refresh the memory of our own reasoning and to understand how all this can be summed up. However, before you start rereading, you need to take a pause – as long as time allows.

If the essay is written in a home setting and the teacher has singled out a solution for this task for several days, it is better to postpone further work the next morning. When, some time later, you reread what you wrote earlier, the freshness of the impressions will allow you to immediately put together in your mind a mosaic of necessary and relevant thoughts. Sometimes it happens that already in the course of reading, excellent variants of imprisonment are born. In this case, the main thing is to have time to fix them on paper, because they are such brilliant thoughts – they suddenly come and also suddenly disappear in English, if they were not given proper attention.

However, often the essays have to write what is called in Spartan terms – right at the lesson in a limited time environment. Especially its shortage is felt during examinations conducted according to a new method. But even in such circumstances it is not necessary to neglect the pause rule, since haste will not help, but will only damage the result. It is necessary to try, at least for a very short time, to escape from the work. For example, in the exam, you can tackle tests on other subjects, and then go back to writing. If this is a simple lesson, then you can focus on gymnastics for the eyes or fingers – just a few minutes will be enough.

Basic options

The conclusion can be different, however, experts distinguish two basic approaches to its writing: simplified and creative.

The essence of the simplified method is as follows. In each paragraph written before, a certain aspect of the topic is highlighted. Therefore, when re-reading the work, one must try to write down on the separate sheet the central thoughts of each part of the text. Thus, a small list of theses will be obtained, in which the content of the entire work will be reflected. After this, it will only be necessary to rethink the theses, to rearrange them a little to avoid repetition, and to make a little processing to give the utterances a literary form and more credibility.

Working on the conclusion of such a scheme, it is important to find the right balance between verbosity and excessive brevity. Long, complex sentences here will be inappropriate, it is better to speak out briefly and clearly. However, it is not very good if the final paragraph consists of monosyllabic expressions that more closely resemble the list of plan to the composition.

Creative approach is especially appropriate when writing works based on a literary work. In this case, you will have to carefully consider the content of the conclusion – on what it will be built. Best of all, as a central element to use their own attitude towards the novel and its characters – condemnation or approval of their actions.

You can compare the protagonist of the work, whose image was understood in the main part of the work, with the modern representatives of his circle, profession, etc. This will help to draw parallels between today and the long-past epoch, to find something in common between people who lived in completely different times, or vice versa, to oppose them to each other.



