Henrik Ibsen. Biography

Henrik Ibsen is a Norwegian playwright, the creator of the “new drama”, which served as the initial model for the artistic aspirations of the reformers of the European scene of the late 19th – early 20th century. Ibsen’s work marked the highest flourishing of Scandinavian literature, and the writer himself gained fame not only as the greatest playwright-innovator, but also as the “master of doom” of his time.

The life of G. Ibsen in dates and facts

March 20, 1828 – was born in the port town of Skien in the family of a wealthy merchant.

In 1835, the father went bankrupt, which condemned the writer to long years of deprivation and struggle for existence.

In 1844, after graduating from school, the young man moved to a small town of Grimstad, where he settled down as an assistant pharmacist. In the same place he wrote his first play, “Catiline”, which was published a year later under the pseudonym “Bruniulf Bjarme”. The play was printed in a scanty circulation of 250 copies on friends’ money collected.

In 1850, Ibsen settled in Christiania, where he fell into the whirlpool of public and literary life. In the same year, “Christiania-Theater” staged his play “Bogatyrsky mound”, which, however, was not successful. Parallel creative activities attempts to get education were forced to confine themselves to visiting the “student factory” and passing the examinations for the matriculation certificate.

In 1851, the writer, inspired by the Norwegian socialist movement, joined the creation of a newspaper in which he published his poems, theatrical reviews and satirical articles.

1852-1856 years. – was a regular playwright created in Bergen, the first Norwegian theater.

From 1857 to 1863 G. Ibsen served as the head and director of the National Norwegian Theater that opened in the capital. During this period his literary activity was closely connected with the “Norwegian national romance” – the cultural movement that expressed the rise of national identity.

1858 – married Suzanne Teresen, the daughter of a Bergen priest.

In the years 1862-1863. The plays “The Comedy of Love” and “The Struggle for the Throne” were written.

From 1864 to 1891, the playwright lived abroad – in Italy and Germany. There were created plays that brought him world fame, in particular Brand, Per Gynt, Pillars of Society, Doll House, Ghosts, Enemy of the People, Wild Duck, Hedda Gabler, , etc. In these plays Ibsen refused “national romanticism” in favor of pressing public problems of pan-European significance.

In 1891, Mr.. returned to his homeland, where he spent the last fifteen years of his life. At this time, his dramas “The Builder Solnes”, “Little Eyolf”, “Yun Gabriel Borkman”, “When we, the dead, wake up…” appeared.

May 23, 1906 – the writer died as a result of a stroke.



