General information about the Arctic Ocean

The ocean area is 14.1 million km2.

The maximum depth is 5527 m.

Quantity is fashion -11.

The largest seas are the Greenland, Norwegian, Kara, and Beaufort.

The largest bay is the Hudson.

The largest islands and groups of islands are Greenland, the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, Spitsbergen, Novaya Zemlya.

The most powerful currents are Norvazhskoye, Spitsbergen; East Greenland.

The Arctic Ocean is the smallest ocean of the Earth. Until the early XX century. some ocean scientists even referred it to the inner seas and called the Arctic Sea. It is the smallest and coldest ocean, its considerable areas are covered with solid ice. The name itself reflects the main features of the nature of this part of the World Ocean located in the Arctic region of our planet.

Geographical position. The Arctic Ocean occupies the central part of the Arctic and lies north of the continents of North America and Eurasia. The shores of the Arctic Ocean are strongly dissected. Some of them are high, others are low and swampy. The seas of the Arctic Ocean are predominantly marginal. Most of the islands are concentrated near the continents. By their number, the ocean is second only to the Pacific Ocean. The Arctic Ocean is connected by wide straits between Greenland, Iceland and Europe with the Atlantic Ocean. With the Pacific, he is bound by a narrow Bering Strait.



