Maternal love in literature

Mother’s love. In this feeling there is a huge power, light, care. It fills the world of a small man with joy and integrity. Maternal love is a conscious or unconscious self-giving, dedication, co-presence.

Sentimentalism in literature, its main features and representatives

The term “sentimentalism” (sensuality) in art is commonly called thinking, which emphasizes the emotional underpinnings of all manifestations of life. Sentimentalism in literature is represented by a whole generation of both Western and Russian

The term friendship

Friendship is a relationship between two or more people, based on mutual inclination, respect, trust and mutual support. The sex of the partner does not determine the essence of the friendly relations. Here, as

The test for the ability to make moral choices

I always do that; I often do this; I sometimes do this; I never do that. You do not let classmates write home assignments. Some of your friends brought drugs to school, you reported

Writer on the theme of Woe Dreamer

I believe that dreaming is useful. This gift is given to everyone so that we learn how to build our lives, help ourselves to see the goal, feel our strength and strive for better

The role of metaphors in an artistic text

It is difficult to imagine how “dull”, “poor” and meager our language would be if it did not have such bright figurative elements as paths, one of which is a metaphor. The definition of

Man and money

The psychology of money is the least developed topic in our society, despite the fact that money at the moment are almost the very first in the list of everything necessary for life. In

Features of oral public speech

Public speech is a special form of speech activity in conditions of direct communication, speech addressed to a certain audience, oratory. Public speech is pronounced in order to inform listeners and to provide them

The problem of ecology

In this text, the well-known Soviet writer Vladimir Alekseevich Soloukhin talks about the necessity and importance of everything that is invented by nature. Whether it’s air or the usual green grass on the ground

Romances and songs of Dargomyzhsky

Prominent in the work of Dargomyzhsky romances and songs. They are written by a composer over a hundred. The content of vocal music of Dargomyzhsky is exceptionally rich. Here, sincere lyrics, playful craftiness and
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