From the book “Ukrainian etiquette”

A well-educated person can restrain anger, irritation, conceal a bad mood. Not every day brings us only joy and luck. You know how funny a man looks, annoyed over trifles. Restraint is highly valued

What did the old book tell me?

There are a lot of books in our home library. This story, novels, dramas, many poetic collections. Take any and read. When I’m sick and I’m at home, I enjoy reading books about traveling,

Painting by AA Rylov “A house with a red roof”

A. Rylov – a famous artist of the late XIX – early XX century, the author of paintings “Autumn Landscape”, “Green Noise”, “Lenin in Razliv”, etc. From the earliest years, the artist was associated

The composition “The profession of my dreams”

Every person dreams of being happy and is looking for his way in life, because much depends on this choice. To date, there are many professions, and every schoolboy faces a difficult choice, deciding

Writing about the theme of health

Health is almost the most important place in a person’s life. A healthy person is always cheerful, energetic, ready to deal with important matters, be happy and make all people around him happy. But

Love is stronger than death

Love. a flash of light and a handful of stellar lights, filling the life of an ordinary person with meaning. Bright as the hot sun. Tender, like a shimmering moonlight. Deep like a bottomless

“Description of a cat” composition

My favorite animal is a cat. I wanted to have a cat from my childhood. And, finally, my dream came true – my home had a Siamese cat Kuzya. The Kuzi have a light

Composition on the theme “Mountains”

A narrow mountain valley, called a gorge, passes a mountain road. The motorway seems like a thin light ribbon against the background of the mountains. All the rest of the space, where there is

What is the grammatical meaning

Words are the building material for any language. Of these, proposals and phrases are built, with their help we convey thoughts, communicate. The ability of this unit to call or denote objects, actions, etc.

Composition on the theme “School years”

I remember my first school day – my first of September. This is one of the most expensive days of my life. Near the elegant and beautiful school plays music. Many colors. As if
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