Father’s house

Joy or sadness awaits us later…
But everything begins – the father’s house.
There, at the cradle of our mother, we sang the
Song of Love.
A. Dementiev

There is K. Paustovsky’s story “Snow”.

Lieutenant Potapov writes a letter from the hospital to his father telling him how much his memories of his parents’ home and his hometown mean to him: “… I remembered this at the most terrible moments of the battle.” I knew that I was defending not only the entire country, but and this is her smallest and sweetest corner for me – and you, and our garden, and our tough boys, and the birch groves beyond the river, and even the cat of Arkhip. ” For Nikolai Potapov, among the concepts that enter our life as eternal and imperishable, was the father’s house.

The traditions of the family cover her entire life – from the smallest everyday problems to the goals and meaning of life, everything that we unite the notion of “family spirit”. Traditions are those norms of behavior that are passed on from generation to generation.

In each family, sooner or later, the question of the attitude to things is decided. The child comes into contact with things very early, when he first reaches out his hand to the toy hanging above the crib. And then he owns them all his life or, conversely, things take possession of him. It depends in many ways on the way of life in the father’s house. About what expensive things for him from his house recalled the hero Paustovsky? On the piano with notes of the romance “For the shores of the homeland,” about twisted yellow candles in candlesticks, a bell at the door, jugs with water from their well – it’s so nice to wash off the road. Potapov imagined how the furnaces cracked in the house and smelled of birch haze, he saw a path leading to an old gazebo and cleared of snow, lilac bushes in frost… It so happened that a woman who settled at the Potapovs read a letter addressed to the deceased master of the house, and in anticipation of the arrival of the lieutenant from the front, I tried to recreate everything described by Potapov. Having shown sensitivity, readiness to ease the grief of a stranger, she became involved in the good, noble traditions of his house.

Father’s house! What is considered mandatory in it? Is it accepted, for example, that the head of the family, going to work, gently bade farewell to the rest of the family and warned about the time of return? Father, returning in the evening, finds time for a leisurely serious conversation with his son? Did the child become for him the most beloved and necessary interlocutor? Is it appropriate in your home to share with what caused admiration or, on the contrary, outrage of one of the family members?

My great-grandfather became the symbol of my childhood from the earliest childhood. In his honor the name is Alexander. The first touch of a warm, caring hand, the first tender words, the first tales, then the stories of a participant in the war, the first lessons of the Good…

In family holidays, family traditions are also concluded and found expression. Not so long ago we decided to invite close friends to celebrate the 100th anniversary of great-grandmother. She died long before my birth, I know her from photos and reviews of people. Responsive, affable, educated and cultured, she was highly respected by everyone who visited our house. Our friends were ahead of us and were the first to express a desire to spend an evening of memory with us. It does not matter that there was no lavish feast, but the glory was successful pies according to the recipe of great-grandmother. Her embroideries were hung on the walls. Read aloud the letters of great-grandfather from the front, listened to the voice of the great-grandmother recorded on film. The memory of the Good is life-giving, it is needed by man just like the roots of a tree, for the connection of generations, for those who continue to live. Therefore, the evening did not become an evening of sorrow, but, obviously, caused a reverie and a special emotional impulse: the next day all those who came on the previous day called. They thanked for the “bright” evening.



