Evgeny Alexandrovich Evtushenko. Biography

Life and work of EA Evtushenko in dates and facts

1933, July 18 – the birth of the poet at the station Winter of the Irkutsk region in the family of a geologist.

1949 – the first publication of poetry in the newspaper “Soviet Sport”.

1951-1957 – study at the Literary Institute. M. Gorky.

1952 – a collection of “Scouts of the future.”

1955 – collection of poems “The Third Snow”.

1956 – Sat. “Highway enthusiasts.”

1957 – Sat. “Promise”.

1960 – Sat. “An Apple”.

1961 – poem “Babi Yar”.

1962 – Sat. “Wave of the hand”, “Tenderness”.

1964 – poem “The Bratsk Hydroelectric Power Plant”.

1966 – Sat. “Communication boat.”

1969 – Sat. “White snow is coming.”

1972 – Sat. “Singing dam”, “Intimate lyrics”.

1975 – Sat. “Father’s hearing.”

1978 – Sat. “Morning people”, poem “Pigeon in Santiago”.

1980 – the poem “Nepryadva”.

1982 – Sat. “Two pairs of skis,” the poem “Mom and the Neutron Bomb”, the novel “Berry places.”

1989 – “Citizens, listen to me.”

1993 – the novel “Do not die before death.”

1997 – Sat. “Slow love.”

1998 – the book “The Wolf Passport”.

1993-1997 – an anthology of Russian poetry of the XX century “Strophes of the century”.

1996 – poem “Thirteen”.

Evgeny Alexandrovich Evtushenko. Biography