1. List the most characteristic historical, physico-geographical, socio-economic characteristics that characterize the European part of Russia.
In the western economic zone there are 8 economic regions. The eastern border is formed by the Nenets Autonomous District, the Komi Republic, the Sverdlovsk and Kurgan Regions.
In terms of the area of the territory, this part of our country can be compared with the largest countries in the world, for example, with Australia or India.
In the western economic zone the main production, labor and scientific potential of the country, the main industrial and agricultural enterprises are concentrated. Now the western macroregion gives more than 4/5 of all industrial and agricultural products of the country, more than 90% of Russia’s financial resources are concentrated here, about the same number of highly qualified personnel.
In most areas of the zone, the economic and geographical situation is much more favorable than in the eastern regions. The whole territory is cut by roads and railways, pipelines and power lines, many of them have an outlet abroad. Natural conditions are favorable for the development of the main branches of agriculture and the vital activity of the population. The climate is softer and warmer than in the east.
The resources of the western economic zone were gradually developed along with the settlement and development of the economy. In the beginning, the advantages of the transport-geographical position, agroclimatic and forest resources were used. Then came the textile production, ferrous metallurgy first in the center of Russia, and then in the Urals. Following trade and crafts, other industries are developing, such as shipbuilding; Frequent wars forced to improve in the skill of producing military equipment. With the development of capitalism, machine-building emerges, and already then a considerable part of the raw material begins to be imported to the Center from other regions. After the revolution and the Great Patriotic War, new resources of the European part are being opened and brought into production: HPPs are being built on the Volga, oil and gas fields are being developed in the Volga-Ural province,
The Western economic zone is distinguished by the outstripping development of the manufacturing industries. In the Volga region, in the Urals and in the Northern region, extractive industries are added to them. The North Caucasus acts as a major processor of agricultural products. The northern region is very similar to the eastern regions, where the raw material component prevails.
The western economic zone is the main one in the production of agricultural products, therefore all branches of the agro-industrial complex are developed here. The zone is characterized by high transport development of the territory, which allows transportation of goods in different directions.
2. Estimate in general the natural conditions and resources of the European part of Russia. How much do they contribute to the economic development of the territories? Which of the regions stand out as the most favorable in terms of natural conditions, rich in natural resources?
As already stressed, the natural conditions of the European part of Russia are most favorable and contribute to the economic development of the territories. Among the regions rich in mineral raw materials, the Northern, Ural and Central Chernozem regions are distinguished. Agroclimatic resources are most favorable in the southern regions of the European part of the country.
3. Make brief characteristics – images of different areas of European Russia. To do this, fill out the summary table.
Please note that this table is not an academic summary, and it is not necessary to list here all the industries, reserves and cities. Everyone should get his own table, his vision of European Russia. You can use the material of the paragraphs of the textbook, table 8 of the appendix, interesting facts, given in the workbook in the task “Do you know your country” to each district.
But it will be better if you fill it from memory. You can try to write down only one fact in each cell.