The novel by John Updike “Centaur”

“If an adult completely forgets the child in himself, It will turn into a machine for eating, Pleasure, obtaining money. “ D. Updike Will we remember childhood as clearly as it is now? What

Questions and answers to the work of Homer

Who is Homer? Most researchers of ancient literature agree that Homer lived in the 8th century BC. He was born and worked in Ionia – on the West coast of Asia Minor and the

About the plays “Tartuffe” and “Meshchanin in the Nobility” by Moliere

“Tartuffe” – the recognized peak of Moliere’s creativity. In this comedy, ideological richness is happily combined with artistic perfection. The characters deduced in it are remarkable. In the play there are almost no “auxiliary”

Composing on a public theme

Whatever they say, and the first impression of a person is formed by its appearance. Each of us wants to dress elegantly and exquisitely. Good taste has always been a sign of good breeding.

Female images of the novel “Red and Black” by F. Stendhal

Interesting and original are the images of Madame de Renal and Matilda de la Mole. In the moral and psychological plan of the novel they act as these poles, between which the brief life

The problem of perception of nature

Nature is all life around us: fields, rivers, lakes, seas… And our whole life depends on the wealth of the earth, the health of wildlife. But every person has his own attitude towards her.

What attracted Julien Sorel in Bonaparte?

Studying literature, we saw that many of the heroes of Russian writers were very sympathetic to such an ambiguous figure as Napoleon. Through sympathy for him, even the fascination with it went to such

Composition on the theme of birds

On the street it was warm, Snow would soon turn into water, And, forgetting about the cold of the past, the songs are joyful birds. (M. Kryukov) The icicles have sunk in the sunlight,

“I own the world, and the world does not have power over me.” The image of Gobsek

Do you need a person to be happy? To assert itself in life? To feel like a master of life? What should I prefer in life: feelings or money, empathy or calculation, power over

“I was completely consumed by countless battles…”

I was ambitious and I’m not going to Repent of this; I then acted so, As our time demands. Stendhal. Red and black The novel “Red and Black” was written by Stendhal in 1830.
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