Category: Essays on literatuire

  • Motif of metamorphosis in the novel by F. Kafka “Transformation”

    I scream… but who will help, So that my soul does not die? N. Gumilev “Transformation”, in my opinion, is one of the most terrible works of world literature and the most famous short story by Franz Kafka. From the very beginning, we expect that the main conflict of the novel will be connected with…

  • What is lost and what did Gobsek find?

    In it live two creatures, a miser and A philosopher, a vile creature and sublime. O. de Balzac. Gobsek What an ambiguous personality was able to create Honore de Balzac in his novel “Gobsek”! What a strange and, you can say, terrible fate for the hero of this story – the usurer of the Hobsek,…

  • Interesting details of the life and work of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

    Despite a modest circulation, the first edition of The Suffering of the Young Werther made a lot of noise in Germany and abroad. The German youth put on a “werewolf suit,” many young people, like the protagonist of the novel, committed suicide, and the hero’s beloved, ingenuous and natural in all his manifestations, Lotta, became…

  • The Importance of Language in Human Life

    The importance of language in the life of man and society, the functions that it carries – this is a very important side of the existence of society. It preserves the spiritual and cultural values โ€‹โ€‹of people. Through the language the people express their thoughts, express emotions. The words of outstanding people are quoted and…

  • An eccentric and visionary Munchausen

    Once Baron Munchausen walked through the forest. He kept a bag of cherries, which he bought in a village shop. However, the deer prevented him from enjoying it. He suddenly appeared from the forest thicket, stood still, looking at the baron. And the baron, as you know, is an avid hunter. But this time he…

  • What seems relevant today at Moliere? How is it modern?

    The works of Jean-Baptiste Moliere in spirit are very close to the Russian people. Moliere knew that comedy art touches his contemporaries more and deeper than tragedy. His life credo was – “entertaining, to teach.” Moliere always led the struggle to establish his plays on stage. In them he portrayed the most diverse inhabitants of…

  • The Prometheus Fire

    Antique art with its unrivaled masters of literature, painting, sculpture and architecture survived the century. The images and plots of ancient mythology were widely used by subsequent generations, they are not forgotten even today. One of the most beautiful for me is the ancient Greek world of Prometheus, who stole fire from the sky and…

  • Characteristics of the artistic world RM Rilke

    The profound philosophical content of works, the direction of poetic thought to comprehend world being in its integrity; artistic development of the concept of the unity of life and death, most vividly embodied in leitmotivous images of the plant world; comprehension of life defeats, losses and crises as painful but necessary conditions for a person’s…

  • Composition on the theme of the favorite season of the summer

    I’ve always loved summer months more than all the other seasons. It’s a vacation! And the long-awaited hot season comes! No jackets, no sweaty hats! Down with the gloves, which all the time you lose one piece of the pair, and my mother swears! Go for hours at a time barefoot on hot soil and…

  • My future profession is a psychologist

    My name is Marina and I’m 16 years old. This year I graduate from school and the question that bothers me most is where to continue learning. I have already decided what kind of profession I want to do in the future, but in my town there are not so many educational institutions. I want…