Category: Essays on literatuire

  • Illusion and reality in Moliere’s comedy “Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme”

    The greatest writer who worked in the period of classicism, was Moliere, the creator of French comedy, one of the founders of the French national theater. In the comedy “The Bourgeois in the Nobility” Moliere reflected the complex processes of the decomposition of the old aristocratic stratum of French society. At that time in France…

  • My day at school

    My name is Kate. I want to tell you about one of my days at school. I’m in the 6th grade. My class is not very big, only twenty people: twelve boys and eight girls. We are all very friendly, we try to always help each other. We all live close by and often get…

  • On the work of F. Stendhal

    According to the researchers, Stendhal’s spiritual development was affected by uneasy relations with his father, who was a type of self-satisfied smug bourgeois. The writer built his artistic world in many respects as opposed to his father’s preferences: he placed the free personality and her passions at the center of this world, not submitting to…

  • I bow to self-control and the will to live the heroes of Jack London

    The whaling ship Bedford picked up a man who, exhausted, crawled to the sea. Before getting here, he had to overcome the trials, which seemed to be beyond the strength of man… Two gold diggers set out on a difficult long journey to the Land of Little Sticks. From the very beginning, they were unlucky.…

  • Briefly about the creativity of Merime Prosper

    Prosper Merimee began his creative career in the mid-1920s. as an active participant in the romantic movement. One by one, his works appeared, not similar to the previous ones on themes and genre nature. The main contribution of Merimee to the French realistic literature is novellistics. Actually, he has great merit in the development of…

  • The theme of personality in the works of E. Hemingway

    What do we know about the writer E. Hemingway? He is a man of extraordinary abilities, since he has not only interesting works, but also life. The catastrophic times of the First World War, revolutions, coups left signs of catastrophic life on Hemingway’s life. Participation in the war on the side of the Italian army,…

  • Hypocrisy – “this is my only weapon”

    The world outlook and personal destiny of Julien Sorel have developed in close dependence on the historical events that took place in France. From the past, he borrows his code of honor, which should be strictly enforced. In this code the requests of the plebeian ambitious can be looked through, but Julien Sorel will never…

  • Features of Hemingway’s style

    Literary critics refer Hemingway to realistic writers. Defining the task of the master of the word, the great American wrote: “… It is always to write truthfully, and comprehend the truth, to express it so that it enters the reader’s consciousness as part of his own experience.” It was truthfulness that became the basis of…

  • The negative characters in the novel by Charles D. Dickens “David Copperfield”

    Many events in the novel “David Copperfield” echo the events in the life of the writer himself. It is a novel-recollection, where the first impressions and judgments of a child are carefully delivered to us by an adult, a writer who managed to keep in his soul the purity of the child’s perception. The first…

  • I want to become a teacher

    Finishing school, millions of young people begin an independent life. They can start working, doing business or continuing their studies to get a higher education. Almost every Russian city has one or more institutions. In Moscow and St. Petersburg. look whole I often dream of my future: what will it be like? It is necessary…