Category: Essays on literatuire
The ambiguity of the title of the novel “The Red and the Black” by Stendhal
The novel “Red and Black” is a social and psychological novel in which the life path of the main character – a young man of the generation of the twenties of the 19th century, Julien Sorel – is traced. What is the novel “Red and Black”? And why “red” and “black”? The title of the…
Honore de Balzac at the threshold of maturity
Parents hoped that after graduation Honore would be engaged in legal practice and very soon consolidate the welfare of the family. But the conceited youth dreamed of something else: he decided to become a famous and rich writer. But the question is: can I make a fortune and get rich by doing literature? Considering that…
Love for the Fatherland composition
What high meaning lies in the words of the motherland, love of the motherland. For each person these words contain something of their own, personal, special and something general, more significant. Thinking about my homeland, I think about that great, beautiful country in which I was born, I connect the concept of homeland with the…
My future profession is a policeman
Graduates have to make a difficult choice, determined by who they want to become in the future. I made my life choice and I dream of becoming an investigator. The service, which dealt with the protection of order, appeared a very long time ago. For example, in ancient Egypt there were special units of city…
The attitude of man to animals
It seems to me that the motto of every person should be a phrase from the story-story of A. S. Exupery “The Little Prince”: “We are responsible for those who have tamed.” Indeed, a person endowed with reason simply does not have the right to be indifferent to the fate of our smaller brothers. Thus,…
The main themes of Omar Khayyam’s shirt
Omar Khayyam is an outstanding personality of the medieval East. The main themes of the shirt are Omar Khayyam. Distinctive features of Omar Khayyam’s creativity. The search for truth as the main aspiration of man. (Omar Khayyam’s assertion of the infinity of knowledge: For many years I have been thinking about the life of the…
“I can die on the street”
Reflecting on art somehow, Stendhal suggested the following: “Every artist must look at nature in his own way.” What can be more stupid than looking at the nature borrowed from another person, and sometimes at a person with a completely opposite character. ” The writer followed this statement to the end of his life, creating…
Frederic Stendhal – an astute “observer of human characters”
Stendhal’s life was fanned with romance and fierce struggle for existence, filled with turbulent events and full of vivid impressions. As a politician and diplomat, he visited many European states, he learned great love and disappointment in it. Passion for artistic creativity brought him happiness even in the years of lonely old Italy, where he…
Gobsec – a miser or a philosopher?
… Not one human soul Has received such severe hardening In trials, like him. O. de Balzac. Gobsek I do not know how you can judge or evaluate a person living at another time, in another society, under other laws. But if such a question arises, then I prefer to look not only at the…
Kafka’s creative relationship with other writers
The protagonist of Franz Kafka is a suffering, humiliated, unhappy and defenseless “little man”, so it is not surprising that different researchers point to Kafka’s creative relationships with other writers revealing this topic. For example, Vladimir Nabokov, a well-known writer, translator and literary critic, compared Gregor Zamzu and Akaky Akakievich Bashmachkin. He believed that in…