Unhappy is the country that needs heroes. B. Brecht There are no people especially white or very black; people are all variegated. Maxim Gorky Man is not created to suffer defeat… Man can be destroyed, but it can not be defeated. Hemingway
… From man only his deeds remain. Maxim Gorky Look in the distance – you will see the distance; look from heaven – you will see the sky; looking in a small mirror, you will see only yourself. Kozma Prutkov Bad, when everything is gray in man: soul, thoughts, and look. Gray only quails are beautiful. G. Stelmach It is better to be a shallow stream than a deep whirlpool. Lu Xun Only fools can be unshakable in their confidence. Rafael Shame often prohibits what laws do not prohibit. Stack In a man everything must be perfect: both face, and clothing, and soul, and thoughts. A. Chekhov Take with dignity what you can not change. Seneca Go your way, and let people say anything. Dante Everyone is a blacksmith of his own destiny. Man is reflected in his actions. F. Schiller
Man is the universe. Maxim Gorky Becoming a man is an art. We are – where not a lot of standard “I”, but a lot of universes are different. In Simonenko The most difficult profession is to be human. X. Marches Do you know that you are a man? Do you know about this or not? Your smile is one, Your torment is one, Your eyes are alone. V. Simonenko Each person has several characters: the one that is attributed to him; the one he attributes to himself; and, in the end, the one that is in fact. V. Hugo I assert, I affirm, since I am alive. G. Tychin What a completed work – a man! V. Shakespeare There are two desires, the realization of which can make the true happiness of a person – to be useful and have a quiet conscience. L. Tolstoy In the happiness of man, two equals have wings: Roses and grapes – beautiful and useful. M. Rylsky
How much is given to me, how much happiness I have, dammit! – On earth laugh and suffer, live and love between people! V. Simonenko The goal is achieved in the struggle. Voronko You will grow up and begin to learn about the glory of heroes, Father’s glory you will learn and courage the power unshakable. Virgil Burn and fight! V. Sosyura Only to fight means to live Franco
Do not shame that scar, which is the result of courage. Sire Do not suffer unhappiness, but meet him with double courage. Virgil should be celebrated with valor, not with origin. Klavdian For man there is nothing more interesting in the world than people. V. Humboldt Isolated from people, we will not reach any goal. JW Goethe When a person has a people, then he is already a person. L. Kostenko The best pleasure, the highest joy of life – feel yourself necessary and close to people. Maxim Gorky Man – a social being. Aristotle Man can be recognized by the environment in which he rotates. J. Swift In every moment of our happiness, we need to look not at what separates us from other people, but what is in common with us. J. Reasin
The happiness of a person outside society is impossible, as the life of a plant pulled out of the earth and thrown into barren sand is impossible. A. Tolstoy. Whoever is ashamed to admit his faults, in time will shamelessly justify his impotence, which is the greatest defect. G. Skovoroda