The embroidered towel symbolizes hospitality, benevolence, purity of feelings, boundless love for their children. It is generously served by close and distant friends and guests. The towel embodies not only the aesthetic tastes of Ukrainians, but is also a kind of business card, more precisely – the face of housing, and then the hostess. It used to be said that a girl who sews at least one towel in her life can not be indifferent. It was believed that embroidering a towel – it means purifying the soul.
The use of towels is varied: they are decorated with walls, tables, a red corner with icons, used at the wedding.
The towel is also called gift, ritual, and shoulder; on a towel they serve bread and salt, they meet guests, they give them to christenings. According to the design, towels made of thin or coarse linen were made, but all of them had embroidered patterns or at least woven colored edge.
Although in general for Ukrainian towels typical features are common, nevertheless, each region had its differences, both in form and method of production, framing, color scheme. “Let your destiny be strewn with towels!” they said, wanting a man happiness. And they also said: “A house without towels, like a family without children.”
A Ukrainian girl wore a shirt first, a skirt or a plait on her, then a spare, tied with a belt and finally put on a sleeveless jacket. On the feet of boots or smart shoes, on the head – corolla, neck necklace, beads.
Something about the shirt. The fabric of the shirt, embroidery and even the color of the threads was thought to have magical power. We made the canvas with the help of spinning wheels, reels, spindles, looms, and decorated them with magic signs of the sun, fields, water. These signs supposedly frightened off evil, enemy forces, diseases, misfortunes, and handicrafts from the hands of old weavers came out as “programmed” for good actions.
Then the shirt was embroidered, and sewing was also difficult – among the threads there was a thread of red color, since this color was considered a magical amulet. And not only the red threads, but all the magic signs and symbols that protected the person, were called amulet. Now more men and boys are beginning to wear embroidered shirts. Among women and girls, more clothes with embroideries also began to be observed. Such a return of traditions enriches the modern spiritual world of people.
Embroidered towel