Composition on Perov’s painting “Tea drinking in Mytishchi”

Perov, one of the main masters of the Wanderers’ Association, was interested in the life of a particular person, his pain and suffering, the fate of the humiliated and insulted. His work is characterized

Painting by Shishkin “In the forest of Countess Mordvinova., Peterhof”

This picture was painted by the great Russian landscape painter Shishkin in 1891. The canvas is dedicated to the amazing beauty of our nature. The main character is the spruce forest, mighty and dense.

Composition on Shishkin’s painting “Rain in an oak forest”

The great Russian painter Shishkin Ivan Ivanovich was born on January 25, 1832 in the city of Elabuga. in the merchant family. He showed the ability to landscape painting and Shishkin, while studying at

The composition of Ostroukhov’s painting “Siverko”

The painting “Siverko” belongs to the brush of the Russian landscape painter of the late XIX – early XX century IS Ostroukhov, who occupies a special place in the history of Russian art. His

Painting by Makovsky “Minin’s Appeal to Nizhny Novgorod”

In my opinion, this picture is the most famous of patriotic works. It is over 40 square meters in size. The work was written in 1896 and was first presented at the show in

Painting by Krymov “Winter Evening”

Landscapes of the famous Russian artist N. P. Krymov are beautiful and diverse. Many of them are devoted to the depiction of winter nature. Apparently, the author found in her a special charm, magic

Painting by Igoshev “She is waiting for her son”

The Great Patriotic War left an indelible imprint on the souls of all those people whom it affected. She brought so much misery and suffering that will forever remain in the memory of mankind.

Composition on the picture of God “Nurse”

Mikhail Mikhailovich known as a master of portraiture, whose means he tries to reveal the inner world of man, to emphasize the wealth and significance of this world. One of his paintings God dedicated

The composition of Vasilkovsky’s painting “Cossack Levada”

The well-known master of landscape, Russian and Ukrainian painter is Vasilkovsky Sergey Ivanovich. Having graduated with high achievements of the Academy of Arts, he received permission to travel to other countries. He visited Germany,

Composition on Tolstoy’s painting “Flowers, Fruit, Bird”

“Flowers, fruits, a bird” and butterflies. So it looks like the still life of Count Fyodor Petrovich Tolstoy, an outstanding sculptor, painter, draftsman, engraver. Putting your hand on your heart, you can honestly say
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