Man, as soon as he realized himself a man, began to actively explore the surrounding natural space. And he did it without understanding the laws of nature. He lived in harmony with her. And what is the laws of nature? They are probably easier to sense than explain in words. The laws of nature, in my opinion, are the harmony of the inner world, which is easy to explain: do good, and it will return to you with good. The concept of “good” refers not only to the relationship between people, but also to nature, and then to the whole planet. So, as people began to behave in the last century, it shows that people have ceased to respect the laws of nature.
So, what we need is to protect the planet from ourselves. Humanity in general cares about its selfish interests, its rapid successes, without worrying about tomorrow for grandchildren and great-grandchildren. And the expression “To our age is enough” has acquired criminal content.
I really want to believe that my generation will be kinder than the previous ones, and we will study nature to learn how to understand it, and it will repay us with good.
Barvinok is an evergreen shrub that grows throughout Ukraine. And that’s why it has many local names: a baptismal periwinkle, barvin, barvinets, zelenka, pyramid. In the people’s symbolism, the periwinkle symbolizes youth, courage, love and marriage, unfading beauty, and intertwined in the girlish coronet, it also means a symbol of motherly love. There is even such a mystery: “Blossoms blue, green leaf, decorates the flower garden, it kills everything – it does not occupy it.”
In ancient times in Kievan Rus, periwinkle was used for different rituals, and it is from those ancient times that various beliefs and legends about this plant are preserved. Periwinkle, for example, was never thrown into garbage, but only by water; woven into a wreath, he protects the beauty of the girl and mother’s instructions. In addition, it appears that periwinkle has long been known as a healing plant, which has been used since ancient times. Barvinok is common throughout Europe, in France, in some places this plant is called witch violet, probably because it has miraculous properties. If guests from Europe asked me what Country is, I would answer – it’s a borvik edge.
Verba is one of the most common trees in Ukraine and one of the most favorite, as many songs are written about the willow and the Kalina, and they also say: “Without a pussy-willow and a viburnum there is no Country.”
The snow is still around, and the willow is already informing about the spring. There is such a saying: “Moldy willow – spring came.” Fluffy buds of willows – this is such an impressive nevidalshchina, when you look closely at every gray or white kidney: will not the eyes shine there, since the cat!
About the willow there are many beliefs, legends, sayings, different narratives. From folk lips you can hear lyrical stories about the willow, which is a symbol of the fertile power, the awakening of nature, the Country, the homeland. And they also tell different terrible stories about old dry willows, In the hollows of which the impure force settles.
People say: “Wherever there is live willow, the river will live,” “Where there is silver, there is a healthy waterman,” so the well is always digging under the willows. Palm branches are consecrated on the eve of Easter on Palm Sunday. Branches beat each other, ordering: “I do not beat, willow beats, in a week – Easter.” They want: “Be healthy, like a willow.”
Verba is sung in songs, retold in legends, it is indeed one of the symbols of the Country.
Beekeepers, once called bortnikami, always had their own holy patron – St. Zosima, whom they honor to this day. In ancient times, on each apiary, icons of the defender of bees were hung, prayers were read near them, and various rituals were arranged. In addition, there were a lot of beekeeping prayers and spells from thieves, predators, moras, etc., whatever that was, but St. Zosim firmly held patronage over the “flies of God” – bees, his hands, and the beekeepers gave him their praise. The old proverb says about it: “Congratulate the bee on Zosima, then there will be swarms and a wax”.
Considering the fact that the bordnichestvo still from princely times was of great importance in the life of our ancestors and as a source of food, both as a trade and as a commodity for sale, it now (and now beekeeping) has an important role in the life of Ukrainians. Unfortunately, some options for using honey are either forgotten or lost. But now beekeepers also follow the behavior of bees to anticipate the weather. For example: early flight of bees – there will be a beautiful spring, bees have settled acacia – it will rain. Still there are such jokes: “Glad people fly, and bees blossom,” “If the rain is seldom in summer, then honey comes to the hives,” “Summer with flowers – a beehive with honey.” The bee on the flower continues to please the look of every good person.