Culture is a measure of the human in man

Culture is a measure of the human in a person, a characteristic of his own development, as well as the development of society, its interaction with nature.

The problem of the human dimension was noticed in antiquity.

Protagoras said: “Man is the measure of all things – existing, that they exist, not existing, that they do not exist.” In the history of philosophy, in various aspects, it was noted the importance of characterizing a particular social phenomenon through a personal, human dimension.

This is seen in the study of such problems as the relationship of the individual to the state and the state to the individual: the relation of the individual to society and society to the individual; the relation of a person to a person; the relation of the person to nature; attitude of the individual to himself.

If we talk about specific forms of the human dimension of culture, they manifest themselves in many ways: from the self-consciousness of the individual as a self-worth and development of human dignity to the way of its life activity, creating or, on the contrary, not creating the conditions for the realization of man’s creative forces and abilities. Man is the creator of culture, culture forms man. It can be said that it is the human dimension of culture that indicates that the ability of the human race to self-development and the fact of human history itself is presented and clearly expressed in culture.

The American sociologist A. Small argued that society should satisfy such human interests as the preservation of health, education, the provision of worthy communication, the creation of conditions for admission to beauty and the implementation of social justice. Today we bitterly note that we have almost no truly humanistic values. We are destroying the valuable things that have been done in the sphere of spiritual values ​​- collectivism, partnership, patriotism, internationalism; we reject the values ​​in the field of health, education, science, art, which the whole world admired. Of course, proclaiming the goal of society – “everything for man – everything for the good of man”, often the actual human forget. It was overshadowed by the interests of the state, pushed into the “bright future.” And about medicine we were judged on “bed-beds”

Let us pose the question of the human dimension of culture more specifically: how and how to define the parameters of this human? In general terms, we answered: the human dimension leads us to consider the goals of human activity and the means to achieve them. But what are these goals with a “human face”? This is primarily the content of working conditions, social conditions that allow the individual to realize his abilities and interests, the participation of the individual in the management of production, society, the development of material and spiritual values ​​that promote human well-being.

It is necessary to note the importance of personal measurement of culture from the point of view of the relationship of man to nature. Today we are already talking about the ecological culture, which reflects the attitude of man to nature, his morality. This ecological morality should now act as a categorical imperative of the individual, state, society. A person comes into the world not as a producer and not as a person, but as a person. He assimilates both the natural and social qualities of his being in the form in which he finds them in his environment, for he can not choose this or that type of society or the level of development of cultural values. Man is the element of the system “nature – man – society”, through which the nature, society, and man changes. And that’s from what are the personal dimensions of the person himself, what are his value orientations, depend (if there are, of course, certain objective conditions) the results of its activities. Therefore, consciousness and responsibility, charity and love of nature – this is far from a complete list of human qualities that measure the contact of man with nature, human ecological culture.

When we talk about the ecological culture of society, we should note that “good technology” (one that is oriented towards preserving and recreating nature) gives, accordingly, a “good ecology”. The ecological culture of a society, connected with concern for the harmony of man and nature, absorbs both material and spiritual values, serving both nature and man as an integral part of it.



