Contemporary author’s song

Contemporary author’s song. This concept denotes a whole stage in the development of Russian poetry of the twentieth century, its last decades. In the author’s song, you can note many currents, trends, literary traditions. I will list the most famous names of the authors-performers: Ada Yakusheva, Julius Kim, Vladimir Chernov and, of course, Yuri Vizbor, Yuri Kukin, Yevgeny Klyachkin, Novella Matveeva, Alexander Gorodnitsky. There are many common motives in the work of these poets. They are related by the similarity of the lyric hero: a romantic, a dreamer, a tramp with a backpack and a guitar, whether it’s a geologist, a tourist or a builder of new cities. One can not help saying a few words about the very famous prose writer and poet Bulat Okudzhava whom I loved.

The world of his lyrics is somewhat different than the poets listed above. His hero also departs from the sad picture of his contemporary life, but does not go to the mountains or the taiga, but more often to the romanticized past – the subject of this romanticization may be the 19th century, Pushkin’s time with his dashing hussars, duelists and cavaliers, and the beginning of the 20th century, whose heroes are “Messrs. Junker”, left in the fields of the German war; and the times of the civil war with their heroine – “Komsomol goddess.” However, I will dwell in more detail on the work of only one representative of the author’s song – Vladimir Vysotsky. His fate was in something dramatic, and in something – very happy. He did not wait for official recognition, his books were published after the author’s death. But already during his lifetime the poet learned true fame. A very precise definition of V. Vysotsky was given to A. Ascension: “the singer of all Russia.” The creative heritage of Vysotsky is unusually extensive, he created thousands of songs.

Their themes seem to be all-inclusive, the heroes of his works have no number. In any song story Vysotsky important to reveal, first of all, the world of personality, human nature. And the brightest of all a person reveals himself in extreme situations, because there are so many of them in the poet’s works. Suffice it to recall his “Song of a Friend” (“If a friend was suddenly.”) .. Many songs Vysotsky written in a satirical genre. The subject of ridicule was the phenomenon of a different kind – in the poems of the poet a whole gallery of satirical types of stagnant time. The satire of Vysotsky is often ambivalent: the author laughs at his characters and at the same time sympathizes with them, as, for example, in the song “Smotry”: a gloomy picture of revelry, when people “all the good things in themselves were annihilated,” and at the same time piercing pity the sounding words: A the house of a woman in demolitions, The geese of the unkrafted jamb, Yes, it’s not even in the geese, And it’s all wrong. The same is approximately in the well-known song “Dialogue at the TV” (another name is “Dialogue in the Circus”). The conversation between Zina and Vanya is not just ridiculous – for the replica of the hero: “You will come home-there you sit” a feeling of despair, a vicious circle. Poems-songs Vysotsky extremely heterogeneous in the genre. He has ballads, song-meditations, dialogue songs.

A special place among the poet’s works is occupied by parable songs based on allegory. So, the song “Hunting for wolves” is written not so much about the beast as about a man brought up in the system of restrictions and prohibitions: Having shielded our freedom with flags, Bute confidently, for sure. Our legs and jaws are fast – Why, the leader, give the answer – We hunted rush to the shot And do not try – through a ban?! The same philosophical overtones can be found in other, at first glance, just amusing and comic songs of Vysotsky, for example, in his reflections about why the Aborigines ate Cook: and therefore they ate that he was the most intelligent, kind and strong – so so the aborigines are accepted. But who knew these aborigines, the reader-listener easily. In the song “Parable of Truth and Lies” – the author’s uneasy reflections on the eternal sources of life, expressed through allegories,

Creativity of poets – authors and performers of their songs, such as bards of the “first call” B. Okudzhava, V. Vysotsky, A. Galich, became one of the brightest pages of Russian poetry of the last decades of the XX century. In conclusion, I will mention a few more names of the authors-performers: A. Makarevich, B. Grebenshchikov, V. Tsoy, Y. Shevchuk. But this is another artistic phenomenon.



