Composition “What is dangerous indifference?”

Every person’s life is full of dangers of all kinds. Someone is most afraid of diseases and criminals, others are afraid of losing a job or a loved one. In general, there are many human fears, they can be listed for a very long time. However, there are also such phenomena, the danger of which is not obvious, nevertheless, they represent a significant risk. One of these phenomena is indifference.

What is indifference? Indifference is a state of complete indifference to someone else’s fate. Indifferent people absolutely do not care what the other will feel and what they will have to face during their own lives. Indifference in itself is a negative phenomenon. However, it should be noted that it has several important characteristics and characteristics. First, indifference is characteristic of absolutely all people. Each of us though in our lives was indifferent, when someone close faced a problem. So the person is arranged that he first of all experiences his own problems and only then he is interested in the affairs of others. And if at that time you had your own worries, it is likely that you remained indifferent to the troubles of one of your loved ones. And even more so, people are indifferent to the fate of those who are not around. For example, it is unlikely that any of us will care for the ills of people in the poor countries of Africa or in those areas where military operations are now unfolding. In fact, we are indifferent to all this.

It seems to me that a person can not completely eradicate the indifference from his life. Either way, it will constantly appear and manifest itself in various situations. But the most dangerous in this case is total indifference: to the world, the surrounding, even to oneself. Such total, complete and comprehensive indifference is really very dangerous. It transforms a person, makes him something different, rather than a person in fact is. Such indifference has very serious consequences – both for the person himself and for all those who surround him, as well as the whole world. Recently, I noticed a not very pleasant trend – many people become just such indifferent to everything. Popularize the idea of ​​the need to live one day, selfishness is not considered a negative quality, and in society, that the falling should be pushed, that is, the principle of survival of the strongest is advancing. The consequences of such ideas can be catastrophic for the whole of mankind.



