There are cats thievish, but there are thieves unrecoverable. Odessa cat Mordan was just about the second type of cats. His name fully reflected his appearance. The cat Mordan lived in a communal apartment and saw his meaning of life not in catching mice, but in indulging his innate criminal inclinations – stealing. It was only the owner who turned away for a moment, as Mordan was right there. He even managed to get the meat out of the pot with boiling soup.
Agility and impudence of the cat kept the inhabitants of the apartment as if in a state of siege. Of course, it trained the vigilance and attentiveness of the residents of the apartment, but they were foolish enough and once they loaded the cat into the car to take it to the outskirts of the city and leave it there. About a month everyone lived quietly, but a month later Mordan returned, angry, thin, but not changing his criminal predilections.
On cat’s mischief in the same apartment the captain of the dry-cargo ship lived. It was decided to take the cat to the ship. Maritime discipline was to re-educate the robber. But he is the recidivist for that and is a recidivist. By itself, on the ship, the possibilities of the cat have increased many times over compared with the kitchen. He stole everything he could. Of course, it can be regarded simply as excitement, as a kind of duel between Mordan and all the rest. But the sailors did not rise to such high thoughts and were more prosy-minded. Therefore, in the first Indian port they left a cat on the shore.
This would end the story of Mordan, but it was not there.
Inhabitants of the Odessa apartment, having got rid of obsession, lived happily, only occasionally recalled Mordan even with some nostalgia. Therefore, when in a year and a half at dawn there was a plaintive meowing at the door of the apartment, no one could even imagine that it could be Mordan. But it turned out to be him. For all, it was like the return of the prodigal son.
Those who wish can calculate how much distance the cat had to go to return home.
What can be the continuation of this story?
At first Mordan embarked on the former path of theft, and the exhausted inhabitants of the apartment again began to think about where to put this robber. But soon everything was sorted out by itself. Mordan became old for his old tricks and could not easily procure himself food by criminal methods. Now he often caressed the inhabitants of the apartment, and those, being touched, gave him a hearty meal. Probably, Mordan decided to spend an old age in peace. But the main thing is that everyone was happy, and this story has a happy ending.