About small, but very courageous and enduring sparrows tells us a composition about birds. An unpretentious sparrow from the early spring is engaged in the improvement of the nest and early offspring. Growing up over the summer, the chicks, along with their parents, spend the winter in their native land, firmly enduring all the hardships of the cold and hungry winter in the hope of helping people.
Who winters with us, staunchly enduring all the hardships of the harsh pore? Of course, it’s sparrows. These unpretentious birds with brown, black spots, backs and gray necks from time immemorial settle near human habitation, and still remain loyal companions of man.
Sparrow – the favorite hero of children’s books and songs. where he is described as a carefree reveler and bully. The real life of sparrows, on the contrary, is full of worries and deprivations. After a cold and hungry winter, already in March, young couples of sparrows are looking for a place for a nest. When the migratory birds are only returning from the south, yellow-throated, voracious chicks are already singing in sparrow families.
Late, prolonged spring, cold rains and dank winds prevent the development of insects – the main food of feathered toddlers, so caring parents are forced to sit in their nests for a long time, warming their hungry children with their warmth. They themselves starve, flying past feeders with grain or bread crumbs, because the chicks eat only insects. Desperate, the sparrows-parents even collect petals of flowering, early grasses for their hungry babies.
Gradually, the spring envelops the warmth all the vast expanse and height, and the strong sparrow’s offspring safely flies out of its native nest.
Generous, red summer helps all chicks not only to feed themselves, but also to adapt to an independent life. They learn to deftly steer clear of cunning, creeping cats and slingshot hooligan boys.
Autumn is coming. rainy and sad. Many birds fly to the warm regions, abandoning their orphaned nests. And with us stay the winter magpies, tits, jackdaws and, of course, beloved by everyone, bright sparrows, which will be gaily beak on the scattered bread crumbs on the windowsills.