The novel of FM Dostoevsky Crime and Punishment is one of the most complicated works not only in? the writer’s grasp, but also in Russian literature in general. Today, when there is a strong habit of watching the screen version of books based on motives, reading diagonally, it is not easy to overpower the voluminous novel, to see its deep meaning, to follow the difficult, despite the acute, detective plot, action. But if you carefully read the work, you can understand that everything in it is subject to disclosure? of the greatest humanistic idea of the author. Crime and punishment were reflected in a difficult time in the 60s of the XIX century. Advanced people of the era believed that a strong personality, bright and extraordinary, could rise above society. Dostoevsky showed the ferment of minds, the search for one’s self and, as a result, the creation of theories opposing man and the world around him. The ideas of Raskolnikov and Luzhin, Svidrigailov’s vital position is not the author’s fiction, but really existing views. The economic theory of Luzhin almost completely coincides with the theory of rational egoism of Dobrolyubov and Chernyshevsky. And Raskolnikov has a real prototype, a man who committed a crime not because of money, but under the influence of his idea. For the third quarter? and the nineteenth century is characterized by the departure of man from God. People did not find an explanation for the terrible sins and atrocities that were perpetrated on earth. But according to Dostoevsky, a man chooses his own way. The Almighty can only show him the way, direct it. It is eh? and two lines: debunking theories that put one person above others, and y? the prevalence of the priority of Christian commandments and moral principles is fundamental in the novel Crime and Punishment. And them? the subject, the system of images, composition of the work. At the heart of the novel’s story lie? The real fact is the murder committed by a young man not because of money, but under the influence of his ideas. The heart of the novel is a psychological analysis of the crime and its moral consequences. But Crime and Punishment is a socio-philosophical work, the lyrical author strives? to uncover the vices of a society that is pushing people to commit atrocity. Raskolnikov is not an ordinary murderer, is he the basis of his deed? the desire not only to prove the correctness of their conclusions, but also the desire to rise above the anthill. But all the further narrative proves the falsity of his theory, dividing people into lower and higher, Waves trembling and the right to kill for good. Analysis of the state of the hero after the crime? Dostoevsky combined with an analysis of the philosophical theory of Raskolnikov. The hero himself, clever and honest man, fine see? injustice of the outside world, see? that some, insignificant and stupid, live? in the magnificent mansions on the banks of the Neva, in the summer I enjoy? Smiling cool Vasilievsky Island, while others, fair, smart, chu? , are forced? to go to the barracks at the Haymarket, in the summer to choke with stench and stench of the main shopping area of Petersburg. And he understands that people are divided into two parts: on the mighty of this world and on? wary quivering. But this division is not based on material, but on moral grounds. who is strong and strong in mind and spirit, that one. and the lord. He recognizes the right of one person to be superior to others, to rule the court, to execute and to pardon at his discretion. He does not believe? in God and believes that a person can be a judge. The main thing that is opposed to Raskolnikov’s theory is the truth of Sonya Marme-Ladova, her vital position. The image of Sony is one of the most important in the novel, in it Dostoevsky embodied his idea of God’s man. Sonia lives by Christian precepts. Set in the same difficult conditions of existence as Raskolnikov, she retained a living soul and? the necessary connection with the world that Raskolnikov broke, who committed the most terrible sin of murder. Sonechka refuses to judge anyone, accepts the world as he is. When Raskolnikov asks her. who of them will die. Sonechka immediately answers: And who is me? y? To judge he put: to whom to live, to whom not to live? It is with Sonya that Raskolnikov’s path, the path of repentance, resurrection, is connected. To completely debunk the idea of Raskolnikov, Dostoevsky uses a technique that has been widely used in Russian literature: to introduce? twins of the protagonist. This is Luzhin and Svidrigailov. Economic theory Luzhin at first glance has nothing to do with the ideas of Raskolnikov, but in their basis lie? one and the same thought: one person is worth? over the rest of the people, the universal laws were not created for him. And Luzhin, and Raskolnikov I admit? spill? No blood, but if Raskolnikov can kill for the sake of the future, for the sake of the good? One thousand people, then Luzhin admits of spilling? blood for personal gain. Svidrigailov lives on the principle of permissiveness; he believes that all the moral foundations of society are not created for him. It is the lyric for him? janetsya trail of crimes. It is thanks to Luzhin and Svidrigailov that we can understand what the idea of Raskolnikov can transform into, how much evil is there? she is. The composition of the novel is also subordinated to the discrediting of Raskolnikov’s theory. Only one part of six is devoted to the crime, the other five are punishments by Raskolnikov. But this is not physical, but moral punishment. Justice is accomplished only at the end of the sixth part and in the epilogue. The novel is built in such a way that we learn about the theory itself after the crime, does the author give us the opportunity to realize that such views bear? only harm. The composition of the novel is also connected with the penetration of the Christian dogma into the soul of Raskolnikov. Do you sound three times in the narrative? when? cha about the resurrection of Lazarus. The first time Porfiry Petrovich asks Rodion if he believes in the resurrection, the second one is read by Sonya, the third in the epilogue. So Dostoevsky shows the possibility of a moral resurrection through the painfully long path of repentance. It is no accident that Sonya reads Raskolnikov at? Chu in the fourth chapter of the fourth part of the novel. This figure takes on a symbolic meaning: it was four days later that Lazarus was resurrected. An immense role in the novel is played by the epilogue. In it, Dostoevsky shows the Apocalypse in his understanding. People embraced by pride, a world that is rushes? gt; Only faith can save the world. More than a century separates us from the events? described in the novel. It may seem that we are very far from that time. But today, when old laws, norms of behavior are destroyed, and new ones are not yet created, can a person sing? and a crime in the name of power over people. Roman Crime and punishment are designed to prevent the recurrence of past mistakes.
Composition “Review of a Read Book”