Each plant and animal is a unique, unique creation of nature. Every biological species that disappears from life can not be recreated by any effort: both scientific thought and technological progress are helpless and powerless here. It’s hard to even imagine that with the loss of a small flower or bird, we lose a part of our planet, a piece of the life of the Earth! So let’s think about how it is important to keep on the ground all the diversity of life embodied in grasses, birds, in hundred-year-old oaks and little goose bumps. Who, if not we, our generation, is responsible to the generation next to the wealth of our native nature. And yet – we have no right to destroy what was not created by us, so we can not decide the fate of other beings, fortunately, still alive. And yet, despite vigorous measures to protect nature,
Now every fifth representative of animals, every tenth bird species, is under threat of extinction. All this became the impetus for the search for new ways of preserving and restoring the number of individual representatives of the flora and fauna.
Therefore, back in 1948, based on data on rare and endangered species, a worldwide “Red Book” was created, the main scientific document that obliges every citizen to protect rare plants and animals. I really want to leaf through the pages of the Red Book, people did not imagine themselves to be all-powerful “kings of nature” who have the right to restructure the environment at their own discretion.