Parts of speech are grammatical classes of words into which words are combined on the basis of the following signs:
1) the general grammatical meaning (of the subject, action, feature of the subject, sign of action, quantity);
2) the general system of change (nouns declined, adjectives lean, verbs conjugate, etc.);
3) the general syntactic function. These features are distinguished by parts of speech:
1. The noun (denotes an object in a broad sense, has a gender, varies in numbers and cases, in the sentence is usually a subject or a supplement).
2. Adjective (denotes the attributes of the object, varies by gender, number and case, in accordance with the noun, in the sentence it performs the function of determining or the nominal part of the compound predicate).
3. The numeral name (denotes the number, varies by case, can be subject, predicate, addition, definition).
4. The pronoun as a part of speech stands out in the school tradition on the basis of its inherent index function. Pronouns are words that are not called anything, but they can also point to objects (you, nobody, someone, he), and signs (some, some, that), and the number (how many, several).
5. A verb denotes an action or state; conjugated (varies by persons and numbers); most often in the sentence is a predicate.
6. Adverb (denotes a sign of an action or attribute, that is, an adjective, does not change, is a circumstance, less often a definition), These are independent, or significant, parts of speech. They can be in the sentence of its members. There are also official parts of speech that are not able to be members of the sentence themselves:
1. The preposition serves to connect words in phrases and sentences (in, out of, through, through, through).
2. The Union serves to link the homogeneous members of the proposal and proposals (a, but, because, as it were, etc.)
3. A particle adds value to a sentence (negation, doubt, question, gain, etc., did not know about it; did not you know about it.?) Even he did not know about it; Did he know about it?). A group of onomatopoeic words and interjections that are not members of the sentence are also singled out, they do not name anything, but express feelings and motivations. In a speech, they appear as non-sentences: Ah! Yes! Hy! Hooray! Meow-meow, kis-kis.
One of the means of creating an image of a hero of a work of art is his name. Expressive use of proper names is inherent in many writers. Relying on the inner form of the word underlying the hero’s surname, writers in the era of classicism rewarded their heroes with expressive characteristics. One reading of the list of characters in the comedy by D. Fonvizin, “Nedorosl”, gives an excellent idea of the characters: Vralman, Skotinin, Starodum, Prostakov, Pravdin, Tsifirkin, Kuteykin (from the stout – a dish that is eaten at a funeral and mocking name of a person from the clergy ). In Griboedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit” many of the hero’s surnames are also “speaking”, based on the inner form of the word: Tugoukhovsky – he really is tight in the ear, walks with the ear tube; MOLCHALIN – does not utter unnecessary words (in my summers should not dare to have his own judgment, and besides, he remembers that now they love the dumb); Skalozub – zuboskal, vulgar wit. Famusov’s name is treated, on the one hand, as famous, known (from the French fameus), with another – afraid of rumors (from the Latin fame – rumor): Oh, my God! What will the Princess Marya Aleksevna say? The secondary character of Reletilov does not have his own thoughts, he always repeats strangers, thus fully justifying the internal form of his name (Latin repeto – pre-second). The surnames help the reader understand the author’s attitude toward the hero: Makar Devushkin, Prince Myshkin (F. Dostoevsky) ; Doctor Gibner, Judge Lyapkin-Tyapkin (N. Gogol). He liked to use the talking names AP Chekhov. What are they worth, for example: Unter Prishibeev, official Chervyakov, actor Unylov… In plays. A. N. Ostrovsky there are heroes with surnames based on sound analogies with the familiar meanings of familiar words: Dikoy, Glumov, Bolshov, Podhalyuzin. Sometimes these associations do not lie on the surface, and etymological inquiries are required to understand why the name of the hero is Balzaminov? It turns out that balsam is a house plant, a symbol of philistinism. And the name of the hero characterizes his philistine ideals, dreams of a rich bride, a blue raincoat on a black lining, a gray horse and running droshkas. VG Belinsky drew attention to the proximity of Pechorin’s name to his literary predecessor, Onegin: Their dissimilarity is much less than the distance between Onega and Pechora. Sometimes these associations do not lie on the surface, and etymological inquiries are required to understand why the name of the hero is Balzaminov? It turns out that balsam is a house plant, a symbol of philistinism. And the name of the hero characterizes his philistine ideals, dreams of a rich bride, a blue raincoat on a black lining, a gray horse and running droshkas. VG Belinsky drew attention to the proximity of Pechorin’s name to his literary predecessor, Onegin: Their dissimilarity is much less than the distance between Onega and Pechora. Sometimes these associations do not lie on the surface, and etymological inquiries are required to understand why the name of the hero is Balzaminov? It turns out that balsam is a house plant, a symbol of philistinism. And the name of the hero characterizes his philistine ideals, dreams of a rich bride, a blue raincoat on a black lining, a gray horse and running droshkas. VG Belinsky drew attention to the proximity of Pechorin’s name to his literary predecessor, Onegin: Their dissimilarity is much less than the distance between Onega and Pechora.
Sonia Marmeladova (oh, and “sweet” in her life!) Lives in the apartment of a tailor named Kapernaumov – from the famous evangelical city of Capernaum, where Christ often preached. The examples can be continued, but it is clear that for the author the choice of the names of the heroes is not accidental: sometimes he gives them, relying on the inner form of the word, and to reveal their meaning means to understand the hero’s intent, the author’s intention.