War. These four horror-stricken years will never become empty words for any of us. People remember pain, anguish and suffering. We remember that great-grandfathers gave their lives for our happy future, for this radiant sun overhead and for the Great Victory. War. It broke the lives of millions of people, crippled them and already exhausted souls, took away all the hopes that hovered in the body.
She forced, cruelly and ruthlessly, to take all arms into hands: women, children, the elderly. She, like a deadly viper, wrapped her neck around everyone, leaving no chance for survival, but it seems that when the ray of hope flashes, suddenly her sharp fangs will vomit with incredible greed into the body that will fall to the damp earth the next instant, lifeless. War. Daily incessant bombing, endless machine-gun fire, tearing grenades at every step – these are all lessons of a ruthless life.
Love and happiness.. These, words familiar to the heart, became alien, people forgot about them, as they forgot that on earth there is justice, freedom, brotherhood. Those whose hands have risen to maim the dearest and dearest that our great-grandfathers have had, are not worthy of mercy, pity and compassion. They will be comprehended only by a ruthless God’s punishment, for wanting to destroy their innocent lives, greedy to appropriate the freedom they have given from above. War. This event has turned the world so much that it is impossible even to imagine it.
We must be proud of the courage, fearlessness and courage of those who stood in the way of despots and tyrants, shielded their homeland, shielded them from bullets and grenades, and shielded them in the name of all the beautiful things that exist on earth: freedom, love and mercy.