Composition on the theme of the mother

When I was asked the theme of the composition, I was surprised why it should be called reasoning. It’s just hard for me to understand how you can talk about your mother. I think it’s better to talk about my mother simply. For example, tell us about how she loves us with her brother, how she cares about us. I will enumerate in order that my mother makes something important and good. And why I love her so much, why she is so grateful for it.

I’ll start with the simplest. My mother’s name is Katya, and for my friends – Ekaterina Ivanovna or Aunt Katya. Mom does a lot to ensure that we are growing in prosperity, so that they do not need anything. To do this, she earns money: her mother works as a seller in the market, sells perfume. Basically, it’s women’s perfume. This is a very interesting work, she is also interested in me. Mom helps other women to be beautiful and enjoy life. She helps to choose gifts for them.

Mom gets up very early in the morning, at six in the morning. She does not have time to warm up my brother and I with breakfast, that’s why we are going to school ourselves. In this way she accustoms us to independence, and also to diligence.

Maybe my brother and I will soon begin to help her in the market. But while she asks us only that we study well, respect teachers. Mom says that this is important. I try very hard in my studies, I do not want to upset my mother.

Mom teaches us how to live. Teaches to be honest, accurate, polite and hardworking. And still be punctual, that is, at least not late for school. She often tells us some wise words, which, I know, are sure to come in handy in life.

Mom is the main word in all languages ​​on earth. His first in life is pronounced by most children of the world. And no matter how old a man is: ten, twenty-five or forty, he asks: “Oh, Mom, help!” When it’s hard for him. Mother, mother, mother, little dove. Even if the mother is not around, we believe that she will hear and protect. What can I say! When we are frightened by something, at first we shout: “Mom!”. And then “Militia!”, “Neighbors!” or “Government!”.

I wonder why this is so. We know that there is a person who will love and help his children always and everywhere, even if the children are ungrateful. And such a person is Mom. Therefore, we always regret the orphans or those children whose mothers have an antisocial lifestyle and do not care about them. Next to them there are friends, the state, teachers, educators, possibly relatives. But there is no native man.

People created a lot of songs about the mother’s feat. As an example, you can bring a pop song with the words “Mom, Mom you are mine, a stone wall.”

The mother can “read morality”, scold, but the first will come running to the rescue. My mother is a selfless woman. For a long time, when I was still very small in the cradle, she did not leave me even for an hour. Swaddled, fed, bathed. Then I fought against all my childhood illnesses. Bring new toys to please. And now he worries about what I eat, whether I’m healthy or well-dressed. And of course, what kind of education I will receive and what will be my future. At the same time, she brings up independence in me.

Mothers need to be protected. After all, they invest so much in us that they forget about themselves. Children can help their mothers in the household, study hard and give their moms less reason for unnecessary trouble. Sometimes you should give up expensive gifts, if you see that they can not afford their parents.

It’s better to make a gift to your mother and show her your gratitude. Let the small, inexpensive or made personally, but still a gift. And not only on the Eighth of March or on your birthday, but just like that, from the heart!



