Shishkin has two canvases with the same name “Foggy morning”. But both canvases are so beautiful that I want to talk about them.
On the first canvas we see a full-flowing river, on the banks of which the forest grows. Somewhere in the distance the forest is covered with fog, but here the fog is scarcely perceptible. And whether he has already visited here, whether it is yet to these banks to plunge into this white veil.
But since this morning, it is likely that the fog has already left this shore and simply goes into the distance. After all, soon the sun will rise, and the fog is very unpleasant such neighborhood. On the canvas, living nature and the feeling that everything is swaying and moving does not pass. In the sky, the morning clouds will soon dissipate, and a new day will begin, and for now the quivering silence of the morning.
On the second canvas, everything is also morning, but only here is a smaller river, and there are not so many forests. But the fog is more noticeable and it is almost close to us, the audience. And the same thing I’ve just been around here, but now I can only see it from afar, gently enveloping the forest expanses. The sun has not yet risen, and because of the fog, there is still the possibility to pobarstvovat on the banks of the rivulet. Oh very mist to hunt to moisture.
On both canvases one feels a special attitude towards the Motherland, a special love for these boundless expanses. No wonder they say that Shishkin was and is a true patriot of his Russia. He, like no one else, managed to betray all the charm, all the beauty, all the elegance of Russian nature. So that he does not depict on his canvases, it always turns out to be superbly simple and interesting.
Foreigners have long said that they always judged the beauty of Russia through Shishkin’s landscapes. Although there were always painters in Russia, this author clearly stood out among them with the ability to reliably convey the natural beauty of the region, the ability not to embellish, namely, to truly depict. Not every artist can escape the temptation of a popular print, Shishkin, fortunately. this escaped.
Composition on Shishkin’s painting “Foggy Morning”