What books are read to children practically from the cradle? Of course, these are tales – smart, kind and funny. And the choice is not accidental. It is in fairy tales that the main principle of existence is laid: good is always stronger than evil. Good will win, only the path to this victory is not easy. But, no matter what, you need to believe in yourself and your strength.
The charm of Russian folk tales is also in the fact that this meaning does not lie on the surface. Everything is allegorical, allegorical. As in Pushkin: “A fairy tale is a lie, but in it a hint!” Growing up, we re-read the fairy tales, and each time something new comes to us: a new vision, a new shade of feelings and emotions.
A fairy tale is a special kind of oral folk art. She came to us from the distant past. So our ancestors expressed their attitude to reality, to the surrounding world, they tried to explain the main laws of life. The reality changed, and fairy tales changed, but there was always the main meaning: unrestrained faith in good, in spirit, in love.
Conditionally Russian folk tales are divided into three groups: everyday, fairy tales about animals and magic. And each has its own peculiarities. Household, for example, teach that happiness is not measured in money. But true happiness is a family, work, love. It is no accident that a poor peasant is always smarter and happier than a rich master.
Tales of animals – a real chronicle of human relationships. Each animal is endowed with special features. The bear is always good-natured and strong, the wolf is strong, but stupid and rude, the fox is the embodiment of female cunning and resourcefulness, the hare is “his boyfriend,” but cowardly and defenseless. How often in everyday life we are surrounded by such “rabbits” and “foxes”, “wolves” and “bears”!
As for fairy tales, this is a huge layer of the poetic embodiment of the most important law of life: good always overcomes evil. The heroes are traditional: the main character is necessarily intelligent, strong and courageous, the heroine is by all means a beauty, an handicraftsman. And they are opposed by a whole “army of evil”: Baba Yaga, Koschey the Immortal, Likho One-Eye, Serpent Gorynych, Kikimora swamp. But the protagonist will always win, because he is brave and generous, because he is ready to sacrifice himself. The path to victory is not easy. The hero must necessarily overcome the “test.”
For example, in the tale “The Frog Princess”, the protagonist goes on a long and arduous journey to save the bride. In the fairy tale “Frosty” the poor Nastenka was destined to freeze in a dense forest, but her kindness and sacrifice were rewarded. And this is perhaps the most important lesson that we get from fairy tales: in life one will be happy who is not lazy, who is kind to others and is ready to fight for his own happiness.
Fairy tales are also a magnificent embodiment of the real poetry of Russian speech. AS Pushkin wrote: “What a delight these tales, each one is a poem.” It is no accident that so many poets and writers, musicians and artists turned to this source of wisdom and purity, melodiousness and beauty. Reading fairy tales, we are attached to the great Russian word, to the culture of speech, to the wise national experience.
Thus, fairy tales are a huge world, with its laws and customs, it is a powerful layer of folk culture, in which the age-old wisdom of the people was embodied. Fairy tales teach us good and humanity, teach us to be strong, courageous, teach us to believe that evil will be punished, and good will win. For us, people of the 21st century, a fairy tale is not only a “devotion to the old times of the deep,” but also a good mentor, a wise educator. I believe that if adults read Russian folk tales more often, the world will become much kinder.