Composition based on Levitan’s painting “Autumn day: Sokolniki”

Description of the topic: Man and nature, the enchanting beauty of a multicolored forest, the noise of falling leaves and the imminent onset of cold weather after the Indian summer season. Artistic description of Levitan’s painting “Autumn day. Sokolniki”.

Autumn day. Sokolniki. Levitan painted paintings exclusively about nature, not one of his paintings had a man drawn by himself. The image of a woman in Isaak Levitan’s painting “Autumn Day: Sokolniki” was painted by the brother of the famous AP Chekhov. What does this picture try to convey to us in the voice of its gloomy-autumn tones?

Here is a ribbon of a path, strewn with fallen leaves along its edge. The road seems endless, like the traversed complex life of a fragile woman going forward, and which has left all its sorrows behind her shoulders after long deliberation. The age-old trees are still adorned with the riot of their crowns and they are not in a hurry to part with magnificent outfits, unlike young seedlings, which, like kids, adults are told to change the wardrobe and not spend their health on external beauty. Therefore, they fade, turn yellow, as if mourned, and reluctantly drop their leaves, giving way to the dullness of autumn colors, and are the first messengers of the yellow autumn.

The wind, like an overseer, drives everyone and everything, helping with its impertinent and sharp impulses to quickly part with the summer palette, and for the impending intimidation it catches up clouds to the sky, and to people – a hopeless yearning. The sky seems low and even more squeezes the grief of sadness. Dullness adds a lonely bench, which in summer was busy loving couples, cheerful and fervent children and seniors.

And now it is empty and abandoned by all, acting as a symbol of last summer. Emotional image of a woman in harmony with the picture, he identifies the state of nature – autumn, which reigns in the soul, thoughts, feelings of this woman.

Composition based on Levitan’s painting “Autumn day: Sokolniki”