Characteristics of the artistic world RM Rilke

    The profound philosophical content of works, the direction of poetic thought to comprehend world being in its integrity; artistic development of the concept of the unity of life and death, most vividly embodied in leitmotivous images of the plant world; comprehension of life defeats, losses and crises as painful but necessary conditions for a person’s inner development and widening the boundaries of his spiritual experience; the theme of loneliness, understood as a state of desperate “forgetfulness” in the external world, which, however, opens the possibility for a person to self-comprehend, immerse himself in the depths of the inner world and comprehend the hidden “core of things”; the central place of the image of Orpheus – symbolically generalized figure of the artist, which establishes a connection between different spheres of life, thereby manifesting the unity and integrity of the world, and also transforms his art into reality; creative rethinking of mythological subjects and images; the modernization of traditional genres of European lyrics and the development of the original genre of “poems-things”; complex, imbued with mystical experiences and philosophical ideas, symbolism, sculptural bulk and plasticity of images.



