Character traits of a person

Character is an inseparable whole. But it is impossible to study and understand such a complex whole as character, without singling out individual sides or typical manifestations (character traits) in it. Common features of character are manifested in the relationship of the individual to public duties and duty, to people, to oneself. The attitude towards public duties and duty, first of all, manifests itself in relation to the individual to social labor. In this connection, traits such as diligence, conscientiousness, perseverance, frugality, and opposite laziness, negligence, passivity, waste are revealed. The attitude of a person to work has a decisive influence on the formation of his other personal qualities.

DI Pisarev wrote: Character is tempered by work, and whoever has never obtained his own sustenance by his own labor, for the most part remains for ever a weak, sluggish and spineless person. The attitude towards people visually appears in such traits of character as sociability, politeness, goodwill, etc. The antipodes of these traits are closedness, tactlessness, ill-will.

As V. Hugo asserted, each person has three characters: one that is attributed to him; the one he attributes to himself; and, finally, the one that is in reality.

In order to clarify the nature of his character, it is useful for a person to know the opinion of the collective in which he works and spends a significant part of his life. And, first of all, how well-regulated are his relations with people, how much he needs people, how authoritative he is among them. The attitude towards oneself is manifested in the self-evaluation of one’s actions.

Sober self-esteem is one of the conditions for improving the personality, helping to develop such traits of character as modesty, adherence to principles, self-discipline.

Negative character traits are heightened conceit, arrogance and boasting. A person who possesses these traits is usually in a state of intolerance in the collective, involuntarily creates in him pre-conflict and conflict situations. Another extreme in the character of a person is undesirable: underestimation of one’s own merits, shyness in expressing one’s positions, in upholding one’s views. Modesty and self-criticism must be combined with a heightened sense of self-worth based on the consciousness of the real significance of one’s personality, on the presence of certain successes in labor for the common good.

Principality – one of the valuable personal qualities, giving the character an active focus.

Willed character traits. By will is meant a complex psychic process that induces a person’s activity and awakens him to act purposefully. The will is the ability of a person to overcome obstacles, to achieve the set goal. Specifically, she acts in such character traits as dedication, determination, perseverance, courage. These character traits can contribute to the achievement of both socially useful and antisocial goals. To do this, it is important to determine what is the motive of strong-willed behavior of a person.

A brave deed, whose motive is to enslave another person, to seize someone else’s good, in promotion, and the brave deed, whose motive is to help the common cause, has, of course, completely different psychological qualities.

By volitional activity characters are divided into strong and weak. People of strong character have stable goals, are initiative, courageously make decisions and implement them, possess great endurance, are courageous and courageous. People, in whom these qualities are weakly expressed or some of them are absent, are classified as weakly characteristic. They tend to passively display their business and personal qualities. Often such people, having the best intentions, do not achieve significant results in work, study.

Many of them sincerely experience their inability to act independently, persistently and resolutely. Volitional qualities can be brought up in humans. IP Pavlov stressed that man is the only system capable of regulating himself in a wide range, that is, he can improve himself.

Weak people, with thoughtful pedagogical work with them, can become actively active. In this case, one must take into account the individual characteristics of a person, for example, his temperament. Thus, in a choleric it is easier to develop activity and determination than a melancholic. The man himself must train his will from the young age, develop such qualities as self-control, activity, courage.



