Biography Zalygin Sergey Pavlovich

(born 1913)

ZALYGIN Sergey Pavlovich (born 1913) is a prose writer.
He was born on November 23 (December 6, 2007) in the village of Dura-Sovka of the Ufa province in the family of a bookshop seller, an educated person, highly cultured. Childhood and the youth of the future writer passed in complex post-revolutionary years.
After leaving school in 1929, Zalygin entered the Barnaul Agricultural College, which ends in 1932, and for a short time works as an agronomist in Khakassia.
In 1933 – 39 he studied at the Omsk Agricultural Institute at the hydromeliorative faculty, after which he worked as a specialist. In those years he began to cooperate in the newspaper Omsk Pravda, publishing essays and stories. In 1941 the first collection “Stories” was published.
During the war he worked as a senior technical hydrologist at the polar station of Salekhard of the Siberian Military District, then as head of hydrographic works in the Middle and Lower Ob. The material accumulated here became the basis of the book “Northern Stories”, published in 1947.
In 1948 Zalygin defended his thesis and for ten years managed the Department of Melioration at the Omsk Agricultural Institute. Over the years, books were written: “In the spring of this year” (1954), “Red Clover” (1955), the story “Witnesses” (1956).
In 1958 he moved to Novosibirsk, collaborated in the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, traveled a lot in forest expeditions on Western Siberia and Altai.
Meeting with A. Twardowski makes him realize that his real calling is literature. From the stories he goes on to create great works. In 1962, the novel “The Paths of Altai” appeared in the magazine “Novyi mir”, which was a great success. In 1964, Tvardovsky publishes Zalygin’s novel On the Irtysh. Zalygin-writer is inseparable from Zalygin-citizen: for many years he has been struggling to save the vast territories of the North from flooding, started in 1962 with the article “Forests, lands, water” and continues to this day.
For eight years he combines scientific work with literature, actively publishing in Novosibirsk and Moscow. In the end, Zalygin leaves teaching and scientific work, giving all the time and energy to literary creativity. Moves to Moscow,
In 1967, the novel “The Salted Pad” was published, in 1975 – the “Commission”. As a scientist, he could not pass by the topic “Man and STD”, and in the 70’s and 80’s, it was re-voiced in his work: the novel “The South American version” (1973), the story “Woman and STD”. Peru Zalygin’s articles include L. Tolstoy, A. Pushkin, N. Gogol, A. Platonov, V. Rasputin, V. Shukshin and many others. In 1982 – 85, the novel After the Storm was written. In 1987, his book Criticism, Publicism was published; in 1988 – the book “Three Points of Being” (novel, novels, stories) and a collection of journalistic essays “Position”; in 1991 – “Prose, Publicism.”
Since 1985, Zalygin successfully leads one of the best Russian magazines – “New World”. Lives and works in Moscow.
A short biography from the book: Russian writers and poets. A short biographical dictionary. Moscow, 2000.

Biography Zalygin Sergey Pavlovich