(1928 – 1990)
Pikul Valentin Savvich (1928 – 1990), the prose writer.
He was born on June 13 in the village of Kagarlyk in the family of a sailor. The family moves to Leningrad, where they are caught by the war. Father serves in the North. Winter thirteen-year-old boy lived in besieged Leningrad, in 1942 was evacuated. I decided to make my way to the father of the Northern Fleet, but my father was already at the front line (he died in the battles for Stalingrad, being a commissar of the Marine Corps Battalion).
From the age of fifteen the future writer serves in the Northern Fleet, a young man on the ship, at the age of 16 becomes commander of a combat post, later – a navigator electrician.
After the war, having no higher education, is engaged in self-education, deciding to devote himself to literary activity. Searches his way for several years: he writes poems, stories, referring to the history of the North, then to the history of Russia. Works without days off and holidays, as in the war. Gradually becomes the owner of a unique library (11 thousand volumes), collecting the necessary materials on the history of states. Begins to work on the first historical novel – “Bayazet”, published in 1961. Then followed the novels: “Paris for three hours” (1962); “On the Outskirts of a Great Empire” (1964); “Out of the dead end” (1968); “Requiem caravan PQ-17.”
In 1971, in the magazine Zvezda, Pikul’s novel Perot and Sword was published. All his books were very successful, his popularity was extraordinary. Pikul’s performance was unique.
In 1974, the novel “The Word and the Affair” was released. In the 1980s novels appeared: “Three ages Okini-san”, “Favorite”, “I have the honor.”
In 1983 he wrote “Miniatures”, original little novels.
Titanic work was interrupted by death, which came on July 17, 1990.
A brief biography from the book: Russian writers and poets. A short biographical dictionary. Moscow, 2000.
Biography Pikul Valentin Savvich