Biography of Yesenin

Sergei Aleksandrovich Yesenin is a great Russian poet, a representative of the new peasant art and imagination in literature.

Childhood and Education

Was born on September 21, 1895 in with. Konstantinovo Ryazan province in the family of a peasant.

Education in the biography of Yesenin was received at the local Zemstvo school, then until 1912 – in the class of the parish school. In 1913 he entered the city’s Shanyavsky University in Moscow.

The beginning of the literary path

Esenin’s poems were first published in 1914.

In Petrograd Yesenin reads his poems to Alexander Blok and other poets. Approaching a group of “new peasant poets”, and he is fond of this direction. After the publication of the first collections, the poet gained wide popularity.

In the lyrics Yesenin could psychologically approach the description of landscapes. Another theme of Yesenin’s poetry is peasant Russia, whose love is felt in many of his works.

Beginning in 1914, Sergei Alexandrovich was published in children’s editions, wrote poems for children.

At this time Esenin comes to the real popularity, he is invited to various poetry meetings. Maxim Gorky wrote: “The city met him with that admiration, as a glutton meets strawberries in January.” His poems began to be praised, excessively and insincerely, as hypocrites and envious persons are able to praise. “

In 1918-1920 Yesenin is fond of imagination, he produces collections of poems: “Confessions of a hooligan”, “Trereadnitsa”, “Poems of a brawler”, “Moscow kabatskaya”.

Personal life

After meeting with the dancer Isadora Duncan in 1921, Yesenin soon marries her. Before that, I lived with AR Izryadnova, Z. N. Reich, N. Volpina. After the wedding, Duncan traveled to Europe, the United States. Their marriage was brief – in 1923 the couple broke up, and Yesenin returned to Moscow.

The last years of life and death

In the future, Esenin’s work was very critically described by Russian leaders. In the same year, in the life of Esenin, the publication “Russ Soviet” is published.

In the autumn of 1925, the poet marries the granddaughter of L. Tolstoy – Sofya Andreevna. Depression, alcohol dependence, pressure from the authorities caused the new wife to put Sergei in a psycho-neurological hospital.

Then in the biography of Sergei Yesenin, an escape to Leningrad took place. And on December 28, 1925, Yesenin died, his body was found hanged in the Angleterre hotel.

Interesting Facts
    Yesenin was well educated, read a lot, but did not know the languages ​​at all. With his wife Isadora he could not speak English, and she hardly spoke Russian. Living abroad, with foreigners, he communicated with the help of an interpreter. Yesenin became a father quite early – at the age of 18. The first child from a civil marriage with Anna Izryadnova was Yuri’s son, who was shot on false charges of attempted Stalin’s life in 1937. Ideological literary opponent Yesenin was certainly Mayakovsky, who belonged to the futurists. Poets could publicly belittle each other’s creativity, but each of them had a high opinion of the talent of the other. Until now, the mystery of the death of the poet remains unsolved. In addition to the suicide version, there is also the assumption of a political assassination, which was staged as suicide.



