Vincent van Gogh is an artist who paints in the style of post-impressionism.
Born Vincent on March 30, 1853 in the Netherlands. The first education in the biography of Vincent van Gogh was obtained at the age of seven in a village school. A year later he began to study at home. And already in 1864 Vincent left the house, becoming a student at a boarding school. Two years later he moved to the college of Tilburg, where he received his first painting lessons. But in 1868, unable to stand the separation, he returns home.
1869 in the biography of Van Gogh is indicated by the beginning of work in an art and trade firm in The Hague. Four years later he was transferred to the London branch of the same firm. There he became a very successful dealer. Naturally, the constant contact with painting during work left a trace in the biography of the baths of Gog. He began to understand the art, appreciate it.
In 1876, he left the company in which he worked for many years, deciding to become a preacher. In England, Vincent briefly worked as a teacher, assistant pastor. Fascinated by the Bible, van Gogh made small sketches on religious topics. In 1878, Van Gogh passed a three-month sermon training, and then six months was a missionary. Closely taking to heart the suffering of others, Van Gogh leads a lifestyle similar to them: refuses convenience, hands out property.
The fascination with art in the biography of Vincent van Gogh is actively manifested since the 1880s. He visits the Brussels, Antwerp Academy of Arts, then an art studio. Van Gogh wrote many paintings at the time, and his style changes by 1886 – the colors on the canvases become purer. In 1888, after moving to Arles van Gogh again changes the style, but retains the characteristic dynamics of the smear. The great artist as a result of mental illness was treated in a hospital for the mentally ill, and on July 29, 1890 committed suicide.
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Biography of Vincent Van Gogh