Biography of Vasco da Gama

Vasco da Gama – 1524) is a traveler, the first European to visit India.

The exact date of birth of Vasco da Gama is not known. It is believed that he was born in 1469 in the Portuguese city of Sines. There are no reliable facts of the first years of the biography of Vasco da Gama. Historians believe that the expedition to India, led by a famous traveler, was originally entrusted to his father.

In 1497 Vasco da Gama departed Lisbon together with an expedition on 3 ships to India. He went around Africa, swam past the Cape of Good Hope, then rounded Africa on the east side. In Mozambique, Arab Ahmad ibn Majid joined the travelers, assisting the expedition to go straight to the Hindustan peninsula, not swimming more along the coasts of Africa. May 20, 1498 in the biography of Vasco da Gama took place the most important event. His squadron reached the port of Calicut. Then, loaded with spices, went on the way back.

The expedition arrived home in 1499 and brought Vasco da Gama not only fame, but also a monetary reward. For his biography Vasco da Gama was in India three times. In 1519, the famous traveler became the owner of the title of Count. Vasco da Gama died on December 24, 1524 in the Indian city of Cochin.



