Biography of Nomo Hideo

Nomo Hideo – baseball player, was born: August 31, 1968 in Osaka, Japan. Most known as a clever reliever with two games in which teams did not open an account.

Biography of Hideo Nomo is glorified by the fact that the athlete became the first Japanese baseball star to participate in the Major League Baseball of America. After his debut in 1995, the Los Angeles Dodgers was closely watched by US and Japanese fans. He was named New National League rookie in 1995. And in September 1996, in the game of Nomo’s team against the “Colorado Rokis”, neither team opened an account.

Nomo also gained fame due to his unusual throws of the “tornado” ball, twisting around the body, with a high arm raised before each serve. April 4, 2001 Nomo once again showed the game, in which the account was not opened, this time with the Boston Red Sox team. This game made him the fourth pitcher in the National League, who played without opening an account. The first three were Su Yang, Jim Banning, Nolan Ryan.

Additional information: the athlete from the beginning of the 2002 season again began to play for the team “Los Angeles Dodgers”. In the biography of Hideo Nomo, a silver medal was won in 1988. Hideo received it by being in the Japan Baseball’s Olympic team.

Biography of Nomo Hideo