Biography of Nikolai Shchors

Shchors Nikolai Alexandrovich – a political figure, a member of the Communist Party, a red commander.

Nikolay was born on June 6, 1895 on the Korzhovka farm in the Chernigov province. The first education in the biography of Nikolai Shchors was received in 1914. Then he graduated from the Kiev military paramedic school. Two years later he passed the course of the Vilnius Infantry Military School.

In his biography Shchors took part in the First World War. In 1918, Nicholas organized a partisan detachment, and a month later he became commander of a joint detachment. To the merits of Shchors can be attributed the creation of the 1st Ukrainian Soviet Regiment. Commanding this regiment, he fought against the hetmans, the Germans. In the same year, he freed Ukrainian cities from the Ukrainian directory, joined the Communist Party.

When the Provisional Workers ‘and Peasants’ Government came to power, Shchors became the commandant of Kiev. In 1919, in his biography, Nikolai Shchors fought against the Petlyuraites, liberated many cities. In August 1919 he began to command the 44th Infantry Division. Thanks to a desperate struggle, Shchors headed the division helped evacuate Kiev.

On August 30, 1919, Nikolai Shchors was killed. His fame and heroism was not remembered until 1935, when Stalin ordered a film about Nikolai Shchors, calling it “the Ukrainian Chapaev.”

Biography of Nikolai Shchors