Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov – the greatest commander, general-field marshal, commander-in-chief of the Russian army during the Patriotic War of 1812.
Childhood and Education
Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov was born September 5, 1747 in St. Petersburg in the family of Senator Illarion Golenishchev-Kutuzov. The future general received primary education at home. In 1759, Kutuzov entered the Artillery and Engineering Noble School. In 1761 he graduated from the school and, on the recommendation of Count Shuvalov, stayed at school to teach mathematics for children. Soon Mikhail Illarionovich received the rank of an adjutant wing, and later – a captain, commander of a company of an infantry regiment commanded by AV Suvorov.
Participation in the Russian-Turkish wars
In 1770, Mikhail Illarionovich was transferred to the army of PA Rumyantsev, in which he took part in the war with Turkey. In 1771, Kutuzov received the rank of lieutenant-colonel for success in the battle of Popeshty.
In 1772, Mikhail Illarionovich was transferred to the 2nd army of Prince Dolgoruky to the Crimea. During one of the battles Kutuzov was wounded, was sent to Austria for treatment. Returning in 1776 to Russia, he again entered the military service. Soon received the rank of colonel, the rank of Major-General. A brief biography of Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov would be incomplete without mentioning that in 1788 – 1790 he took part in the siege of Ochakov, the battles near Kaushans, the storming of Bender and Ishmael, for which he received the rank of lieutenant-general.
Mature years of commander
In 1792, Mikhail Illarionovich participated in the Russo-Polish war. In 1795 he was appointed military governor, as well as director of the Imperial land gentry cadet corps, where he taught military discipline.
After the death of Catherine II, Kutuzov remains with the new Emperor Paul I. In 1798-1802, Mikhail Illarionovich served as a general from the infantry, the Lithuanian governor-general, the military governor in St. Petersburg and Vyborg, the inspector of the Finnish inspection.
The beginning of the war with Napoleon. Turkish War
In 1805 the war with Napoleon began. The Russian government appointed the commander-in-chief of the army Kutuzov, whose biography showed his high military skill. March-maneuver to Olmtsu, committed by Mikhail Illarionovich in October 1805 entered the history of military art as exemplary. In November 1805, Kutuzov’s army was defeated during the Battle of Austerlitz.
In 1806, Mikhail Illarionovich was appointed military governor of Kiev, in 1809 – Lithuanian governor-general. Distinguished during the Turkish War of 1811, Kutuzov was elevated to the Count’s dignity.
Patriotic War. Death of the general
During the Patriotic War of 1812, Alexander I appointed Kutuzov the commander-in-chief of all Russian armies, and also awarded the title of the most brilliant prince. During the most important in his life of the Borodino and Tarutin battles, the commander showed an excellent strategy. The army of Napoleon was destroyed.
In 1813, going with the army through Prussia, Mikhail Illarionovich caught a cold and fell ill in the town of Buntslau. He was getting worse and on April 16, 1813, the commander of Kutuzov died. The great commander was buried in the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg.
Interesting Facts
- In 1774, during the battle in Alushta, Kutuzov was wounded by a bullet that damaged the right eye to the commander, but contrary to popular belief, his vision was preserved. Mikhail Illarionovich was awarded sixteen honorable awards, became the first St. George cavalier in the history of the Order. Kutuzov was a restrained, judicious commander, for whom the fame of the cunning was fixed. Napoleon himself called him “the old fox of the North.” Mikhail Kutuzov is one of the main characters in Leo Tolstoy’s War and Peace, which is studied in the 10th grade.
Biography of Mikhail Kutuzov