Biography of Ivan Krylov

Ivan Andreevich Krylov, who possesses both the talent of the poet, and the skill to create dramatic works, publisher and publicist, went down in the history of Russian literature as the most famous fabulist. His creative legacy consists of tragedies, comedies and 236 fables, collected in 9 books.

Childhood and youth

Ivan Andreevich was born February 2, 1769 in Moscow in a military family, which was not distinguished by high incomes. When Ivan was six years old, his father, Andrei Prokhorovich transferred to Tver, where the family in poverty continues to exist, and soon loses the breadwinner.

In connection with the move and low income Ivan Andreevich could not finish the education started in Moscow. However, this did not stop him from getting a lot of knowledge and becoming one of the most enlightened people of his time. This became possible thanks to the young man’s strong desire for reading, languages ​​and sciences, which the future publicist and poet mastered through self-education.

Previously, creativity. Dramaturgy

Another “life school” Ivan Krylov, whose biography is very versatile, became a simple people. The future writer enjoyed visiting various folk festivals and entertainments, he himself often took part in street battles. It was there, on the other side of the common people, Ivan Andreevich drew pearls of folk wisdom and scrupulous peasant humor, capacious vernacular expressions that would eventually form the basis of his famous fables.

In 1782, the family moved to St. Petersburg in search of a better life. In the capital, Krylov Ivan Andreevich began his official service. However, such activities did not satisfy the young man’s ambitions. Fascinated by the fashionable then theatrical trends, in particular under the influence of the play “Melnik” AO Ableisimov, Krylov manifests itself in writing dramatic works: tragedies, comedies, opera librettos.

Contemporary authors of criticism, although they did not show high marks, but still approved of his attempts and encouraged to further creativity. According to the friend and biographer Krylov M. Ye. Lobanova, IA Dmitrievsky himself, the famous actor of that time, saw the talent of the playwright in Krylov. With the writing of the satirical comedy “The Pranksters”, even a brief summary of which makes it clear that Ya. B. Knyazhnin was ridiculed in the play, considered the leading playwright of that time, the author quarrels not only with the “master” himself, but also finds himself in the grip and criticism field theatrical directorate.

Publishing Activities

Failures in the field of drama did not cool down, but, on the contrary, strengthened the satirical notes in the talent of the future fabulist Krylov. He undertakes publishing the monthly satirical magazine “The Mail of Spirits.” After eight months, the journal, however, ceases to exist. After retiring in 1792, the publicist and poet acquires a printing press, where the magazine “Spectator” begins to publish, which began to enjoy greater success than the “Spirit Mail”. But after the search it was closed, and the publisher himself devoted several years of travel.

Last years

In a brief biography of Krylov is worth mentioning the period associated with SF Golitsyn. In 1797, Krylov joined the prince in the role of home teacher and personal secretary. During this period, the author does not cease to create dramatic and poetic works. And in 1805 he submitted a collection of fables to the famous critic II Dmitriev. The latter appreciated the creativity of the author and said that this is his true vocation. So, in the history of Russian literature a brilliant fabulist entered, who devoted the last years of his life to writing and publishing works of this genre, working as a librarian. His pen belongs to more than two hundred fables for children, studied in different classes, as well as original and translated satirical works for adults.

Krylov died on November 9, 1844 from bilateral pneumonia.



