Alexei Vorobyov is a popular Russian singer and actor, who won the hearts of fans with his unique talent, charm and beauty.
Alexey Vladimirovich Vorobyev was born on January 19, 1988 in an ordinary large family. His mother was a housewife, and her father was the head of security at a private company. The singer’s childhood was incredibly rich and interesting. He played football for the youth team of Tula. After a while he became a scorer, and his favorite team was regional champions. In the future, Alexei planned to become a professional athlete, but later changed his decision in favor of music.
Musical education
After graduation from school, Alex enters the music college in accordion class. During his studies, the guy always took part in various concerts and competitions, taking only prizes. At sixteen she became the soloist of the Tula vocal ensemble “Uslada”.
His first winner was Lesha in 2005 at the Delphic Games. After a few months, Vorobyov goes to Moscow in order to become a participant of the “The Secret of Success” competition. As a result, he reaches the finals and becomes one of the winners of this competition.
Encouraged by his first great victory, the singer arrives in Moscow and arrives to study at the Variety Jazz School. Gnessins. Literally a year later, the singer signs a profitable contract with Universal Music.
During the Summit, a year later, Vorobyov becomes the executive of the Official Hymn of the Youth J8.
In 2006 Alexey takes part in the new interactive series “Dreams of Alice”.
After these events, Alex begins to actively engage in acting, and makes a serious decision to enter a theater college. In 2008, Vorobiev received a diploma and entered the MKhAT School-Studio, his teacher was Kirill Serebrennikov.
In 2007, the actor and singer gets his first prize – “Opening MTV-2007”, and just a month later he goes to the meeting of the UN World Youth Council as a Goodwill Ambassador.
It is worth mentioning separately that Alexei Vorobyov at his many concerts performs only “live”.
In 2008, the singer tried himself in the Eurovision Song Contest. He performed with the song “New Russian Kalinka”, which became an incredible sensation for the whole world as a whole.
In 2010, Alexey, due to his strong employment and a large number of invitations to shoot, leaves his studies. All the tricks in the movies the actor performs independently, as he has good physical training. In one of his films, he was able to perform a tricky trick: jumped off the fourth floor.
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Biography of Alexei Vorobyov