Biography of Alexandra Badanina

Alexander Badanin – editor of popular magazines. A talented girl who could accomplish everything with her work, an incredible zeal for knowledge and perseverance.

She was born on April 8, 1982 in Sevastopol, in the family of a teacher of foreign languages ​​and a naval officer. When Alexander was only two months old, his parents moved over the Arctic Circle, one of the secret cities. The girl mastered the piano playing and danced on the magnificent pointe shoes. In the summer her family rested on the Black Sea, and in the winter the girl explored all the delights of the Siberian taiga.

Alexandra was a diligent student and had a great passion for learning foreign languages. She learned Spanish and English at school. She was regularly a participant of various musical competitions and olympiads.

In 1999 he graduated from school with a gold medal and went to conquer the capital. The main goal of Alexandra is the Faculty of Journalism at the Moscow State University named after MV Lomonosov.

After graduation she wrote notes for local newspapers and printed several times in the popular at that time newspaper Pionerskaya Pravda.


At the university, she actively attended seminars and conferences. Tried myself in journalism and advertising.

Studying in the fourth year, Alexandra marries and gets a job in the popular company Diasoft. Throughout the year, the girl tries to deal with the company’s products, composes press releases on them.

In 2003, Alexandra became pregnant, but graduated. In 2004, being at the 8th month of pregnancy Badanina successfully defends the thesis and graduates from the university.

During the entire maternity leave Alexander works as a copywriter in several large companies, writes short articles and press releases for Cosmopolitan.

Having passed the tests, in 2006 she was finally taken to work in Cosmo.

The girl creates incredible projects, actively participates in their implementation. Career completely absorbs her.

In December 2010, Alexander passed an internship in New York. Hearst Magazines took it on an exchange of experience program.

Personal life

Little is known about Alexandra Badanina’s personal life. As Alexander herself says, her personal life was successful the second time.

Sasha has a daughter named Ira, who is very fond of fashionable clothes, she is the main source of mother’s inspiration.

Sasha is constantly developing and striving to learn everything new. She is a young and successful woman who wants to be loved, desired and happy most of all.

Biography of Alexandra Badanina