Nagibin Yuri Markovich (1920 – 1994), prose writer, journalist.
Born April 3 in Moscow, near Chistye Prudy, in the family of an employee.
At the age of 8, after the divorce of his parents, he remained with his mother, who “owes the fundamental qualities of his human and creative personality.” In literary education owes his stepfather, the writer.
Nagibin did not immediately find himself, his vocation. In his youth he was fond of football, he was even predicted a great future in this field. Stepfather advised him to write stories, drawing attention to his talent to convey his impressions of what he saw and heard easily and with humor. One day a future writer made an attempt to write a story that turned out to be unsuccessful, but the process of writing was captured by a young man.
However, after graduation, he entered the medical institute (fulfilling the desire of the mother), but remains in the university only until the end of the first session. At this time in VGIK opens reception to the scenario faculty, where Nagibin passes. Learning is given to him easily, time for writing stories, essays, reviews, articles – as many as you like. In 1940, his first story was published.
Finish VGIK failed – the war began. I went to the front. Knowledge of the German language decided his fate – he was sent to the VII department of the PU (counterpropaganda) of the Volkhov Front, where he had to not only fulfill his direct duties, but also to fight with weapons in his hands, and to leave the encirclement. All impressions and observations of front life later entered into his military stories.
In November 1942 he was shell-shocked, returned to Moscow and worked in the newspaper Trud until the end of the war. As a reporter visited Stalingrad, near Leningrad, with the liberation of Minsk, Vilnius, Kaunas.
In 1943 he published a collection of prose works “Man from the Front.” They accepted the Union of Writers. Correspondent impressions were included in the stories that compiled the collections “Big Heart”, “Two Forces”, etc.
After the war, he was engaged in journalism, but without leaving work on prose: the stories “Tube” and “Winter Oak” were very popular.
The mid-1950s were very fruitful: one by one the collections of stories “Man and the Road”, “Clean Ponds”, “Far and Near”, “Early Spring” come out.
Once, at the invitation of his friend, he goes to Meshchera for a duck hunt, and the Meshcher’s theme enters his life and work. Collected stories: “The Pursuit., Meshchersky were” (1963), “The Green Bird with a Red Head” (1966).
In the 1980s Nagibin wrote a series of stories about the “great” (Goethe, Bach, Tyutchev, Leskov, etc.).
Many forces Nagibin gives a movie, writing scripts such famous films as “Chairman”, “Director”, “Red Tent”, “Tchaikovsky”, “Night Guest”, etc. Working for television, he made a series of programs about Lermontov’s life and work Aksakov, I. Annenskoi, A. Golubkina.
Nagibin worked until the end of his days. Already after his death came autobiographical prose writer – “Darkness at the end of the tunnel”; “
A short biography from the book: Russian writers and poets. A short biographical dictionary. Moscow, 2000.
Biography Nagibin Yuri Markovich