Biography Drunina Julia Vladimirovna


Born May 10 in Moscow in a teacher’s family. My childhood was spent in the center of Moscow, I studied at the school where my father worked. She liked to read and did not doubt that she would be a writer. At the age of 11 she began to write poetry.
When the Patriotic War began, at the age of sixteen, she was enrolled in a voluntary health team at the RKKK (District Red Cross Society) and worked as a nurse in an eye hospital. Participates in the construction of defensive structures near Mozhaisk, falls under bombardment and, performing his direct duties, becomes a nurse of the infantry regiment. I was at war, I was wounded. After the injury, she was a cadet of the School of Junior Aviation Specialists (SHMAS), after which she was sent to the assault regiment in the Far East. With all his strength, he is eager for the front.
Receiving a report about the death of his father, he goes to the funeral for dismissal, but from there he does not return to his regiment, but goes to Moscow, to the Main Directorate of the Air Force. Here, after deceiving everyone, gets a certificate that she is behind the train and is traveling to the West.
In Gomel gets the direction in the 218th Rifle Division. Again was wounded. After recovering she tried to enter the Literary Institute, but she failed. Returned to the self-propelled artillery regiment. The rank is the foreman of the medical service, he fights in the Belorussian Polesye, then in the Baltic States. Contusion, and November 21, 1944 receives the document “… is not good for military service.”
In the twentieth year of his life he comes to Moscow. Yulia Drunina has no doubts what to do. She goes to the Literary Institute, comes with the students for a lecture and stays here. Nobody dared to refuse her.
In early 1945, the magazine Znamya printed a collection of verses by Drunina, in 1948 – poems “In a soldier’s overcoat.”
In March 1947 participates in the 1st All-Union Conference of Young Writers, was admitted to the Writers’ Union, which supported her materially and gave her the opportunity to continue her creative work.
The Institute graduated only in 1952, missed several years because of the marriage and the birth of her daughter. I did not write poetry.
In 1955 the collection “Conversation with the heart”, in 1958 – “Wind from the front”, in 1960 – “Contemporaries”, in 1963 – “Anxiety” and other collections. In 1967 she visited Germany, in West Berlin.
In the 1970s collections were published: “In two dimensions”, “I come from childhood”, “Trench star”, “
Drunina’s autobiographical story “From those peaks…” was published in 1979. Yu. Drunina tragically left their lives, having committed suicide on September 21, 1991 in Moscow.
* * *
I left my childhood in a dirty wagon,
In a train of infantry, in a sanitary platoon.
Long distances listened and did not listen to
everything accustomed to the forty-first year. I came from school in dirty shelters,
From the Beautiful Lady to the “mother”
And “get it”
Because the name is closer than “Russia”,
Could not find.
* * *
I only once saw hand-to-hand.
Unexpectedly. And a thousand in a dream.
Who says that in war is not scary,
He does not know anything about the war.

Biography Drunina Julia Vladimirovna